Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

Hélio and Amélia Pedroso/Luso-American Foundation Endowed Chair in Portuguese Studies at UMass Dartmouth, Spring 2019

Início: Fim: Países: Estados Unidos, Portugal

Estudos Portugueses, História

O Centro de Estudos e Cultura Portugueses da Universidade de Massachusetts Dartmouth, em colaboração com o Departamento de Português e o Departamento de História na Universidade de Massachusetts Dartmouth, anunciar a nomeação do professor Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (Universidade de Coimbra e Universidade Novade Lisboa, Portugal) para a Cátedra Hélio and Amélia Pedroso / Luso-American Foundation (FLAD) em Estudos Portugueses, para a primavera de 2019.

The Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture, in collaboration with the Department of Portuguese and the Department of History at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, is pleased and proud to announce the appointment of Professor Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (University of Coimbra and New University of Lisbon, Portugal) as Hélio and Amélia Pedroso/Luso-American Foundation Endowed Chair in Portuguese Studies for the Spring 2019 semester. Prof. Jerónimo will teach a graduate seminar on “New Brazils in Africa: The ‘Third’ Portuguese Empire,” cross-listed between the MA/PhD in Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies and Theory and the MAT in History. The course provides an analysis of the historical transformation of the Portuguese colonial empire in Africa since the beginning of the nineteenth century until decolonization. It explores issues such as slavery and forced labor, race relations, colonial science and law, colonial modernization and development, and colonial wars, while dealing also with a comparative assessment of the end of the European colonial empires and the contemporary legacies of imperialism and colonialism.

Prof. Jerónimo holds a PhD in History from King’s College London (2008). He is the author and editor of several books, including The “Civilizing Mission” of Portuguese Colonialism (c.1870-1930) (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) and A Casa de Estudantes do Império: Dinâmicas coloniais, conexões transnacionais (Edições 70, 2017). During his residency at UMass Dartmouth, Prof. Jerónimo will also coordinate the organization of an international colloquium on “Heritages(s) of Portuguese Influence: Histories, Spaces, Texts, and Objects” (April 3 at the New Bedford Whaling Museum, April 5 at UMass Dartmouth’s Woodland Commons).


Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture/Tagus Press
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Liberal Arts Bldg., room 212
285 Old Westport Rd.No. Dartmouth, MA 02747
P: 508-999-8255/ F: 508-999-9272




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