Sábado, 27 de Julho de 2024

VIII Conferência Internacional da Association of British and Irish Lusitanists - ABIL 2019

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Irlanda, Reino Unido

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Literatura

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para trabalhos para a VIII Conferência Internacional da Association of British and Irish Lusitanists (ABIL), que decorrerá na Universidade de Edimburgo nos dias 6 e 7 de setembro de 2019. As pessoas interessadas têm até 15 de abril para enviar as suas propostas.
O evento é aberto a todas as contribuições dos diversos aspetos da cultura e literatura lusófonas, bem como à participação de estudantes de pós-graduação e pesquisadores/as em início de carreira. São aceites propostas em inglês e em português.
Oradoras convidadas:

  • Cristiana Bastos (Instituto Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Cláudia Pazos-Alonso (Wadham College, University of Oxford)
  • Viviane Ferreira (Cineasta e ativista brasileira)

VIII ABIL Conference Call for Papers

The VIII Association of British and Irish Lusitanists (ABIL) Conference will take place in the beautiful city of Edinburgh on the 6th and 7th September 2019. We welcome proposals in either Portuguese or English for papers, round tables, and panels, on all aspects of Lusophone cultures, histories, literatures, linguistics, and translation studies, from the medieval period to the present day.

Postgraduate and early career members are, as always, most welcome, as well as more established and retired academics.

Invited speakers:

  • Cristiana Bastos (Anthropologist, Instituto Ciências Sociais, University of Lisbon)
  • Cláudia Pazos-Alonso (Professor in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
  • Viviane Ferreira (Brazilian filmmaker and activist)

Please send abstracts of between 150 and 200 words, with your name and affiliation, by the *NEW DEADLINE* 15th April 2019, by attachment to lusitanists.abil@gmail.com

We will endeavour to confirm acceptance of papers as soon as possible thereafter. Please note that only fully paid-up members of ABIL may present at ABIL conferences.

If you are not a member but want to become one, please email ABIL’s Secretary (raq.ribeiro@gmail.com)

For any other membership-related queries, please email the ABIL’s Treasurer Maria Tavares (m.tavares@qub.ac.uk)

Conference costs: £80 for early bird registration for both days, (£100 later registration), £50 postgrads and £60 concessions. We will also be offering post-graduate bursaries for PhD students (more information to follow). These costs cover conference fee only. Members should make their own accommodation arrangements.

We will be opening the registration process and publishing the programme in the summer of 2019.

If you have any queries, please contact conference organiser Dr Raquel Ribeiro at lusitanists.abil@gmail.com

We look forward to receiving your abstract before the 15th April, and to welcoming you at the conference in Edinburgh, in September 2019.

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