Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

The senses, affective regimes and film - Chamada para painel do VI Encontro da AIM

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Chamada para painéis, Cinema, Ciências Humanas e Sociais

O VI Encontro Anual da AIM, sob o tópico “Ecocrítica Cinematográfica: Cinema e Meio Ambiente” irá decorrer entre os dias 4 e 7 de maio de 2016, no Porto, nas instalações da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Centro Regional do Porto.
No âmbito deste encontro, está aberta a chamada para o painel: The senses, affective regimes and film, organizado por Robert Stock, da Universidade de Constança (Alemanha).
Against the background of a well-known hierarchy of the senses that proposes seeing as the dominant mode of perception, this panel aims to discuss feature films and documentaries tackling the specific ways they audiovisually produce the different modalities of the senses (Hagener/Elsaesser). The aim of the panel consists hence in a media-cultural analysis of films to scrutinize the manifold operations, framings and effects drawn upon in order to describe how sensory experience is conveyed filmically. Consider for example productions like The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Julian Schnabel, 2007) or Antoine (2008, Laura Bari) which approach forms of subjective seeing and non-seeing in dis/abling settings. Or take into account the manner with which Um adeus português (1985, João Botelho) or Nel giardino dei suoni (Nicola Belluci, 2010) stage practices of listening that enable the perception of the soundscapes of African and European forests while being connected to situations of anxiety, fear but also well-being and concealment. Such ‘hearing scenes’ can be contrasted with the audiovisual fabrication of non-hearing or technologically induced hearing, for example in Hear and Now (2007, Irene T. Brodsky) that discusses the ambivalent affects and socio-cultural implications mediated by Cochlear Implants. Moreover, the panel is also interested in case studies on smelling, which is not only present in Perfume. The Story of a Murder (2007, Tom Tykwer), but also in other productions where the olfactory dimension of specific settings become relevant. Regarding the tactile sense, one could not only think of filmic sensual touch between human bodies but also between bodies and objects etc. Rather, in times of ubiquitous computing and sensory environments, nanotechnics and 3d-printing, the panel also welcomes papers that investigate films and artistic interventions inventing scenarios of tele-medial and/or prosthetically based touching or related experiences and mediated affect (e.g. Peau/Pli Splitscreen, 2012-14, Fetzner/Dornberger). Thus, the panel does not only intend to scrutinize the audiovisual production and intersection of dis/abled sensory techniques in the context of feature and documentary films or other works from the field of art. It also is interested in papers that question the political, social and cultural implications of technological or automated form(atting)s of the senses and their respective affective regimes.
As propostas para integrar este painel (resumos até 150 palavras e uma breve biografia) devem ser enviadas até o dia 15 de novembro para o endereço: senses.affect.film@gmail.com.
Contacte o organizador do painel em senses.affect.film@gmail.com para mais informações.
Outras informações sobre o Encontro da AIM estão acessíveis no site do evento: http://aim.org.pt/encontro/index_en.php.

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