Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

Oitavo Encontro Nacional de Filosofia Analítica – ENFA 8

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Chamada para trabalhos, Filosofia

O Oitavo Encontro Nacional de Filosofia Analítica – ENFA 8, realizar-se-á nos dias 7-9 de setembro de 2022, no Porto.

O evento é organizado conjuntamente pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia Analítica e pelo Instituto de Filosofia (MLAG), da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

O prazo para a apresentação de propostas, em inglês ou português, é dia 15 de junho de 2022.

Mais informações:



Call For Abstracts – ENFA 8
Eighth National Meeting in Analytic Philosophy
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto.
7-9 September 2022​

Keynote Speakers
​Peter Sullivan, University of Stirling
Rosanna Keefe, University of Sheffield / Disputatio Lecturer
João Branquinho, University of Lisbon

Call For Abstracts

The eighth National Meeting in Analytic Philosophy – ENFA 8, will be held on September 7-9, 2022, in Porto. It is jointly organized by the Portuguese Society for Analytic Philosophy and the Institute of Philosophy (MLAG), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto.

Besides plenary sessions with invited papers, there will be parallel sessions with submitted papers. Submissions on any philosophical topic in the analytic tradition are welcome (only one submission per person). Submitted long abstracts (either in Portuguese or in English) should not exceed 2000 words and should be prepared for blind-refereeing. Talks must not exceed 25 minutes.


Please e-mail submissions to spfa.enfa@gmail.com (the subject should be ENFA 8; name of author and affiliation should appear only in the message body). Abstracts should be ready for blind-review and should be sent as an attached file in Word, PDF or RTF format.

Deadline for submissions EXTENSION: 15 June, 2022.

Notification of acceptance: 1 July, 2022.

Scientific Committee
Célia Teixeira (UFRJ & LanCog)
Charles Travis (UP, MLAG-IF)
David Yates (UL, LanCog)
João Alberto Pinto (UP, MLAG-IF)
João Cardoso Rosas (UMinho, CEPS)
José Mestre (U Stirling & LanCog)
Manuela Teles (UP, MLAG-IF)
Mattia Riccardi (UP, MLAG-IF)
Pedro Galvão (UL, LanCog)
Ricardo Santos (UL, LanCog)
Sofia Miguens (UP, MLAG-IF)
Vítor Guerreiro (UP, MLAG-IF)

Organizing Committee

ENFA 8 is organized by the Institute of Philosophy (MLAG) of the University of Porto.

Célia Teixeira (UFRJ & LanCog)
Charles Travis (UP, MLAG-IF)
José Mestre (U Stirling & LanCog)
Manuela Teles (UP, MLAG-IF)
Ricardo Santos (UL, LanCog)

Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon
MLAG, Institute of Philosophy, University of Porto
Portuguese Society For Analytic Philosophy
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

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