Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

IX Conferência Internacional da Association of British and Irish Lusitanists - ABIL 2021

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Irlanda, Reino Unido

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Estudos Lusófonos

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para trabalhos para a IX Conferência Internacional da Association of British and Irish Lusitanists (ABIL), que decorrerá na Universidade de Newcastle nos dias 17 e 18 de setembro de 2021. As pessoas interessadas têm até 31 de janeiro para enviar as suas propostas.
O evento é aberto a todas as contribuições dos diversos aspetos da cultura e literatura lusófonas, bem como à participação de estudantes de pós-graduação e pesquisadores/as em início de carreira. São aceites propostas de comunicações, painéis e mesas-redondas, em inglês e em português.

Mais informações: https://www.abilnewcastle.com/

IX ABIL Conference

Crossing Borders,
Crossing Boundaries

Call for papers

​The IX ABIL Conference will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne on the 17th and 18th September 2021. We welcome proposals in either English or Portuguese for papers, round tables, and panels, on all aspects of Lusophone cultures, histories, literatures, linguistics, and translation studies, from the medieval period to the present day.

We encourage the submission of proposals that interrogate and contest borders and boundaries in Lusophone cultures and between disciplines. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Borders, boundaries, and crossings in Lusophone cultures
  • Mobility, diasporas, and transnational identities
  • Gender, feminisms and LGBTQ+ histories
  • Cultural transnationalisms
  • Borders, boundaries, and translation
  • Cosmopolitanism(s)
  • Mobility, urban cultures, and urban ecologies
  • Environmental boundaries/the anthropocene 
  • Decolonial approaches to literature, film, and culture
  • Colonialism, race and the anthropocene
  • (Post)colonial ecologies
  • Indigenous arts, histories or cultures
  • The black or brown Atlantic
  • Afro-Brazilian arts, histories or cultures
  • Brazilian Independence (1822-1922-2022)
  • Cultural memory
  • Disability and culture
  • Cinema, photography, digital culture or other visual or audiovisual forms
  • Intermediality

As we approach the bicentenary of Brazilian Independence in 1822, and also the centenary of the São Paulo ‘Semana de Arte Moderna’ in 1922, we are particularly keen to receive paper and panel proposals that reflect this. We would be open to any of the conceptual frameworks above, or indeed any other interpretation of issues arising from 1822 or 1922, for which a sound academic case is made.

Postgraduate and early career members are, as always, most welcome, as well as more established and retired academics.

Please send abstracts of between 150 and 200 words, with your name and affiliation, by the 31th January 2021, by attachment to abil.newcastle@gmail.com. We will endeavor to confirm acceptance of papers as soon as possible thereafter.

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