Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

Conferência Internacional Hands-On Research Symposium: from artistic practice to artistic research

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Arte, Chamada para trabalhos, Dança, Música

Decorre de 28 de outubro a 3 de novembro, na Universidade de Aveiro, a conferência internacional Hands-On Research Symposium: from artistic practice to artistic research.

O evento inclui várias iniciativas e atividades: Artistic Research School, Hands-On Research Conference, Hands-On specific instrumental areas e Lecture masterclasses.

Prazo para submissão de propostas: 16 de junho de 2019.

Hands-On Research Symposium: from artistic practice to artistic research 

The University of Aveiro and INET-md (Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança) are delighted to announce that the 1st international symposium on artistic research – Hands-On Research 2019 – will take place from October 28th to November 3rd at the University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal.

Guest speakers/artists include Darla Crispin (Norwegian Academy of Music), Erato Alakiozidou (Thessaloniki State Conservatory/Athens Conservatory), Ēriks Ešenvalds (Latvian Academy of Music), Helen Sanderson (Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama), Jonathan Leathwood (University of Denver), Martha Masters (Loyola State University/California State University Fullerton), Pedro da Silva (New York University Steinhardt) and Thomas Viloteau (Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University). 

Hands-On Research 2019 symposium will be an intensive week long event with a variety of initiatives and activities, including: 

ARS – Artistic Research School October 28th to November 3rd

The Artistic Research School (ARS) is designed for: (i) artists who are interested in developing postgraduate research based on the creation of new artistic ‘products’ that allows them to sustain their practice whilst developing new knowledge in music; (ii) artists interested in rethinking/developing old concepts or creating new ones for their artistic projects; (iii) teachers of performance/responsible for supervising academic projects that feature artistic production.

Throughout ARS, participants will be encouraged to share perspectives on artistic research, in addition to discussing their individual artistic projects, guided by experienced teachers, accomplished artists and artistic research practitioners. In addition to individual guidance, working groups, group feedback sessions and tutorials will respond to the need to offer consistent guidance in assisting the conception, design and development of artistic research projects.

Hands-On Research Conference October 31st to November 3rd

The Hands-On Research 2019 Conference aims to stimulate the discussion of ideas, practices, insights, outputs and developments in the field of artistic research. Originally conceptualised as a series of meetings focused on specific instrumental areas bridging the gap between artistic production and academic research, thus creating opportunities to combine the artists’ and the researchers’ knowledge, Hands-On Research has now expanded to encompass all artistic areas and will feature thematic conferences, presentations of projects, round table discussions, papers, lecture recitals and recitals. 

Hands-On specific instrumental areas October 31st to November 3rd

In conjunction with the main conference event, a number of specific Hands-On meetings will take place, focusing on the following areas: Hands-On PianoHands-On GuitarHands-On Choral/FICA’19

Lecture masterclasses October 31st to November 3rd

Lecture masterclasses will focus on the originality of the musician’s approach, offering opportunities to discuss the pertinence of performative choices and the development of an interpretative plan, demonstrating how critical reflection and research interact in music making.

Call for Proposals 

Proposals for papers and lecture-performances should be submitted by June 16th, 2019 via the Easy Chair platform, formatted according to the nature of the proposal:


When submitting abstracts for consideration, the author(s) should indicate (on the easychair platform) whether they are applying to a specific instrumental area (Hands-On ChoralHands-On Guitar or Hands-On Piano) or to the general Hands-On Research Conference.


Papers will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion. We strongly encourage applicants to include an artistic demonstration (e.g. audio and/or video recordings). The abstract should contain a maximum of 350 words. We advise that the following questions should be addressed:

•  What was the research problem that gave rise to the work? 

•  What was the objective designed to address this problem? 

•  Which method was used? 

•  What results have been achieved/are expected?

•  What are the artistic or pedagogical implications? 


The abstract should contain a maximum of 350 words and address the following questions:

•  What is the pertinence of this performance  for knowledge production? 

•  How is this proposal innovative? 

•  What is the program of the performance? 

Abstracts should also include information regarding:

(i) the duration of the presentation (maximum 30 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion);

(ii) link to an online video of the proposed performance (you may choose to upload your video as ‘unlisted’, ‘private viewing’ or ‘public viewing’).

In the field “other documents” in the Easy Chair platform, you should upload the following information in a single PDF:

a short artistic CV of the presenter(s) plus any technical requirements or materials necessary for the lecture-performance.

Other formats

Other formats may also be considered. Please send proposals at your earliest convenience to deca-handson@ua.pt



Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their proposal, following a process of double peer review by the scientific and artistic commission, no later than July 31st, 2019.

Please note that English is the official language of this conference. 

Should you have any queries (registration, travel, accommodation), please do not hesitate in contact us at deca-handson@ua.pt

Webpage: http://artisticresearch.web.ua.pt/handsonresearch/

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