Sexta-feira, 27 de Setembro de 2024

Conferência Anual PiLAS – Postgraduates in Latin American Studies 2019

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Estudos Latino-Americanos

O Comité da PILAS – Postgraduates in Latin American Studies (a filial de pós-graduação da Sociedade de Estudos Latino-Americanos – SLAS), convida pesquisadores de pós-graduação e académicos das áreas de artes, humanidades e ciências sociais a apresentar os seus trabalhos, participar de debates e compartilhar as suas pesquisas sobre a América Latina.

A Conferência Anual PILAS 2019 será realizada na Universidade de York nos dias 04 e 05 de junho de 2019. A participação na conferência é gratuita e irá incluir sessões interdisciplinares, keynote speakers e amostras culturais.

O tema da conferência é «Communities of Knowledge, Communities of Action».

Neste evento interdisciplinar são aceites propostas de comunicação ou painéis de todos os campos. Os tópicos possíveis incluem, mas não estão limitados a:

  • Culturas Visuais
  • Literatura, Idiomas e Estudos de Tradução
  • Ciências Políticas e Sociais, Relações Internacionais e Estudos de Desenvolvimento
  • Antropologia
  • Estudos Ambientais
  • História
  • Estudos sobre mulheres e gênero
  • Raça e Estudos Indígenas

Prazos para apresentação de propostas: 16 de abril de 2019 (comunicações e painéis).

Mais informações sobre o evento estão disponíveis no website:

“Communities of Knowledge, Communities of Action”

June 4-5, 2019

Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre,University of York

Funded by the Society for Latin American Studies, the Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies at the University of Warwick and the Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of London

Call for papers

Deadline: April 16, 2019

Keynote speakers:

  • Professor Ben Bolling (University of Oxford)
  • Dr. Maria-Eugenia Giraudo (University of York)
  • Dr. Benjamin Smith (University of Warwick)
  • Dr. Katie Jenkins (Northumbria University)

“Communities of Knowledge, Communities of Action” invites us to explore the crucial, albeit tenuous, relationship between knowledge formation and public action in Latin America. We invite contributions concerning subjects from any historical period or geographical location within the general scope of interest of Latin American Studies. Examples of contributions could involve, to name just a few, consideration of neoliberal practices of extractivism and research on anthropogenic climate change and renewable energy, the end of the Pink Tide, local and international initiatives to curb deforestation in the Amazon, comparing and “decolonising” the Ni Una Menos movement to #MeToo, the rising influence of para-police forces in urban peripheries and ongoing efforts to decolonise national literary and cultural canons. Indeed, the next PILAS conference wishes not only to carry out a reflection on such phenomena, but also engage in a dialogue with those who bring them to life. Attendance is free and panelists are required to be members of the Society of Latin American Studies (SLAS). Follow this link for further details on attaining SLAS membership.

We invite abstracts on topics and disciplines including, but not limited to:

  • Visual Cultures
  • Literature, Languages and Translation Studies
  • Political and Social Sciences, International Relations and Development Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Environmental Studies
  • History
  • Women and Gender Studies
  • Race and Indigenous Studies

We invite individual proposals for 20-minute papers, as well as proposals for panels (three 20-minute papers). Please send an abstract (200-300 words), a brief biography and 3 to 5 keywords to by 16th April 2019.

A number of travel bursaries will be made available for postgraduate students who are members of SLAS. Please express your interest when submitting your abstract.

Following the conference, delegates will be invited to submit their work for the proposal of a special issue of Bulletin of Latin American Research (BLAR).


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