Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

Chamada para trabalhos: The Military and Politics in Brazil

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Estudos Brasileiros

O Brazil Institute do King’s College London está com chamada aberta para uma conferência virtual, a ser realizada nos dias 27 e 28 de maio de 2021, sobre as forças armadas e a política no Brasil.

São aceites propostas de pesquisadores nas áreas de ciência política, relações civis-militares, história, sociologia e memória coletiva.

As pessoas interessadas devem enviar uma pequena biografia (máximo de 200 palavras) e uma proposta de trabalho (máximo de 300 palavras) para Vinicius.carvalho@kcl.ac.uk e Anna.grimaldi@kcl.ac.uk até ao dia 16 de abril de 2021. A língua de trabalho será o inglês

Mais informações: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/news/call-for-submissions-the-military-and-politics-in-brazil

Call for submissions: The Military and Politics in Brazil

The Brazil Institute at King’s College London is inviting submissions on the military and politics in Brazil for a virtual conference

The Brazil Institute at King’s College London is inviting submissions on the topic of the military and politics in Brazil, for a virtual conference to be held on 27 and 28 May 2021.

Military involvement in Brazilian politics dates back to the origins of the Brazilian Republic itself. Literature and research on the Brazilian military regime, re-democratization, and civil-military relations in Brazil is consolidated and robust. However, a multidisciplinary approach to understand the pervasive presence of the military in the Brazilian political arena from a broader historical and contemporary perspective is still lacking, especially as Brazil is seeing an increasing presence of its military in power today.

Academia and civil society alike are beginning to question the potential implications of these levels of militarization within a democracy, especially in a country still under the shadows of a military regime (1964-1985). Furthermore, civil-military relations in Brazil have not developed in the same way they have in Europe or North America. The aim of this conference is to understand how Brazil’s military has come to jold such a contentious position within the country’s socio-political history.

The conference is interdisciplinary and we encourage submissions from both senior and junior scholars carrying out research in the fields of political science, civil-military relations, history, sociology, and collective memory. Submissions should broadly seek to address questions such as:

What does it mean to have military forces at the centre stage of a nation’s historical trajectory and construction?
How does the presence of such an entity influence the social imaginary of a people?
What impact does the presence of the military have on Brazil’s domestic and foreign politics?
What conceptual and methodological tools might we use to better understand civil-military relations in Brazil?


We invite researchers and academics from all disciplines to submit a short bio (max 200 words) and a paper proposal (max 300 words) to Vinicius.carvalho@kcl.ac.uk and Anna.grimaldi@kcl.ac.uk

Submission deadline: 16 April 2021

Selected proposals announcement: 26 April 2021

Submissions and papers should be in English.

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