Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

CFP: Roundtable discussion on 'The "Portuguese" World in the Renaissance Canon', RSA Dublin 2022

Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos, Irlanda

Arte, Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Portugueses

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para a mesa-redonda intitulada The 'Portuguese' World in the Renaissance Canon, a ter lugar no encontro de 2022, em Dublim, da Renaissance Society of America (RSA). Essa mesa é organizada por Dr Laura Fernández-González (lfernandezgonzalez@lincoln.ac.uk) e Dr Elsje van Kessel (ejmvk@st-andrews.ac.uk). As pessoas interessadas têm até dia 5 de agosto para enviarem o seu resumo.

The “Portuguese” World in the Renaissance Canon

This roundtable discussion questions the place of the “Portuguese” world in the canon of Renaissance and Baroque art, architecture, and material culture. With the global turn the field of Renaissance art history has expanded geographically to include Africa, America, Asia as well as Europe. Decolonial processes in research, pedagogy and curatorial practice have also given space to examine indigenous and black artists and makers. However, areas of the globe historically connected through the Portuguese maritime routes remain underrepresented. While Portugal was the first realm to embark on transoceanic colonial expansion in Western Europe, the arts of the “Portuguese” in the Iberian Peninsula do not adhere to the Renaissance canon either. This discussion asks what are the results of the silencing of the communities of artists and makers that worked in Portugal, or elsewhere in connection to or in the “Portuguese” world, such as Brazil, Congo, Mozambique, Goa, Cochim, Macau, or Japan. What do we miss when ignoring artistic production in these areas of the world and in relation to other coeval traditions?

In this context, the notion of “Portuguese” itself is not unproblematic. On the one hand, the term is helpful to foreground colonial constellations in different places, including common factors such as the Catholic church and Portuguese administration. On the other hand, the label “Portuguese” risks silencing non-white communities, obscuring local agency in the design, making, and viewing of artefacts, and erasing difference. How can we meaningfully inscribe the arts, architecture, and material culture of the “Portuguese” world into the “global” art history of the Renaissance while avoiding such pitfalls?

This roundtable discussion seeks contributions in any media and concerning any regions of the early modern “Portuguese” world. Themes to be considered include, but are not limited to, circulations, non-white makers, and historiography.

Please email the co-organisers by no later than 5 August:


Dr Laura Fernández-González (lfernandezgonzalez@lincoln.ac.uk) 

Dr Elsje van Kessel (ejmvk@st-andrews.ac.uk)

Please note the RSA guidelines for submission here: https://www.rsa.org/page/AnnualMeetingSubmissionsGuide

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