Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

Call of papers: 12th Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy ​

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Chamada para trabalhos, Ética, Filosofia

O Centro de ética, Política e Sociedade (CEPS) da Universidade do Minho anuncia a 12.ª edição dos Encontros de Braga em Ética e  Filosofia Política. Trata-se de um colóquio internacional a ter lugar, nos dias 27 e 28 de junho de 2022, na Universidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal). As pessoas interessadas têm até ao dia 17 de abril para enviar as suas propostas.

Mais informações: https://12bragameetings.weebly.com

The Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy is an annual event organized by the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society (CEPS) at  the  University of Minho (Braga). The Meetings have established in the years a reputation for providing scholars with an excellent opportunity to present both advanced and exploratory work to a welcoming audience (see previous editions). This year the Meetings will be organized around a series of panels focusing on the Center’s research agenda. In addition, they will host round tables, book symposiums, and an informal session to discuss opportunities for research and funding. Graduate students, junior researchers and senior scholars are welcome to submit their work.  
Starting this year, the Meetings will take place fully in person. Although we do not expect  disruptions due to the current pandemic, we will be monitoring possible restrictions on travel, and closer to the date consider hosting a number of presentations online. 
Invited speakers this year include. 

  • Guy Standing (University of London)
  • Julian Reiss (Johannes Kepler University Linz) 
  • Julian Savulescu (University of Oxford) TBC 
  • Karl Widerquist (Georgetown University)
  • Philippe Van Parijs (UCLouvain) 
  • Sarah Fine (King's College London)
  • Stuart White (University of Oxford)

Abstract proposals should be submitted to one of the panels and not exceed 500 words. To submit a proposal, please visit the panel section of your interest.


The List of Panels

Panel 1 - Predistribution and Taxation
Panel 2 - The Potential Impacts of Unconditional Basic Income, and what can Experiments tell us
Panel 3 - The Ethics of Human Enhancement
Panel 4 - Collective Trauma
Panel 5 - Anti-Oedipus Fifty Years On: «a book of ethics»
Panel 6 - Displacement and Refuge
Panel 7 - Ethics of Migration, Integration and Territory in (Non-)Ideal Conditions: What could we Hope For?
Panel 8 - Revisiting the Public Interest
Panel 9 - The Ethics and Effectiveness of Nudges 
Panel 10 - Republicanism and Social Norms
Panel 11 - Justiça Restaurativa: Alternatividade ou Complementaridade (in Portuguese)
Panel 12 - Theoretical Approaches to Populism: Past, Present and Future
Panel 13 - Culture Wars in the 21st century: Identity, Religion and Social Media
Panel 14: Future Sentience
Panel 15: The Fact/Value Dichotomy in Economics
Panel 16: Revisiting the Difference Principle and its Competitors

Deadline for abstract submissions: April 17, 2022.
Deadline for notification of acceptance: April 28, 2022.
For more informations: https://12bragameetings.weebly.com

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