Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

Anticolonial Struggle, Transnational Solidarity and Agency of Individual Actors: Dialogues with the Portuguese Colonies, 1945-1975

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Chamada para trabalhos, História

O Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHC) divulga a chamada de trabalhos para a conferência Anticolonial Struggle, Transnational Solidarity and Agency of Individual Actors: Dialogues with the Portuguese Colonies, 1945-1975, a ter lugar nos dias 26 e 27 de janeiro de 2023  no Colégio Almada Negreiros, Campus de Campolide da NOVA, em Lisboa.
O evento pretende enquadrar o ativismo individual nos estudos mais recentes que concebem a solidariedade contra o colonialismo português como parte de um movimento transnacional.
O idioma da conferência será o inglês. A data limite para apresentação  de propostas é dia 25 de julho de 2022.
Mais informações no site do IHC, aqui.

Anticolonial Struggle, Transnational Solidarity and Agency of Individual Actors:
Dialogues with the Portuguese Colonies, 1945-1975

Call for papers

Proposals for 20-minute presentations on issues related to individual solidarity will be
accepted, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • The schemes, plans of action and approaches devised by individual figures to link with the liberation movements.
  • The many different forms of connections established between individual activists and the liberation movements.
  • The networks of support to the liberation movements shaped by individual connections.
  • The ways in which countries around the world–specially the newly-independent African countries–became platforms for contacts between the liberation movements and individual actors.
  • The strategies used by individuals to influence public opinion, advance the cause of the liberation movements and transform the policies of their own governments.
  • The personal trajectories of the individual activists and the paper trail they produced.

Abstracts of presentations (300 words) and biographical notes (250 words) should be sent to: anticolonialstruggleactors@gmail.com

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 25 July 2022
Notification of acceptance: 15 September 2022

Working language: English.

The organizers foresee the publication of the communications.

Keynote speaker

Rob Skinner (University of Bristol)

Organizing Committee

Alba Martín Luque (University of Florence)
Aurora Almada e Santos (IHC — NOVA University of Lisbon / IN2PAST)
João Miguel Almeida (IHC — NOVA University of Lisbon / IN2PAST)
Miguel Filipe Silva (IHC — NOVA University of Lisbon / IN2PAST)
Rebeca Ávila (IHC — NOVA University of Lisbon / IN2PAST)

Scientific Committee

Alda Romão Saúte Saíde (Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo)
Ângela Coutinho (IPRI — NOVA University of Lisbon)
Conceição Neto (Universidade Agostinho Neto)
Eric Burton (University of Innsbruck)
Jean-Michel Mabeko-Tali (Howard University)
Julião Soares Sousa (CEIS20 — University of Coimbra)
Víctor Barros (IHC — NOVA University of Lisbon / IN2PAST)

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