Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

29.º Simpósio Anual sobre Cultura, Língua e Literatura Hispânica e Luso-Brasileira da Universidade de Arizona | novo prazo

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências Humanas, Estudos Culturais, Linguística, Literatura

29th Annual Professional and Graduate Symposium in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture: Language as Interpellation

O Departamento de Espanhol e Português da Universidade de Arizona (EUA) realiza o seu 29.º Simpósio Anual sobre Cultura, Língua e Literatura Hispânica e Luso-Brasileira, a ter lugar nos dias 22 e 23 de fevereiro de 2019 em Tucson, Arizona.

Oradoras convidadas: Idoia Elola (Texas Tech University) e Ileana Rodríguez (Ohio State University)
A chamada para apresentação de propostas de trabalhos ou posters (250 palavras) está aberta até o dia 23 de dezembro de 2018 25 de janeiro de 2019.
O Comité do Simpósio irá considerar propostas em português, inglês e espanhol, sobre Literaturas, Língua e Culturas peninsulares e da América Latina.
Mais informações no site do Simpósio: https://spanish.arizona.edu/graduate/seminar.

Para dúvidas e outras questões, contactar: spanport-symposium@email.arizona.edu.

29th Annual Professional and Graduate Symposium in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture: Language as Interpellation

The event will take place in February 22-23, 2019.

The University of Arizona - Spanish and Portuguese Department

This year the Symposium will focus on exploring and engaging with tangential disciplinary and theoretical approaches that have not been fully developed in the field of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literature, cultural studies, and linguistics. The objective of the symposium is to open new avenues of thought and establish new interdisciplinary dialogues that will promote the advancement of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literature, cultural, and linguistic studies.

Our keynote speakers are:

Dr. Idoia Elola (Texas Tech University) and
Dr. Ileana Rodríguez (Ohio State University).

The Symposium Committee will consider abstracts focusing on research in Latin American and Peninsular Cultures, Literatures and Linguistics. Potential areas of interest and topics include, but are not limited to:


- Applied linguistics
- Heritage/second language pedagogy
- Language program administration
- L2/Ln acquisition
- Phonology/phonetics
- Morphology
- Sociolinguistics
- Syntax
- Psycholinguistics

- And any other area of Hispanic/Lusophone linguistics within any theoretical or quantitative/qualitative framework.


- Global South studies
- Border studies
- Disability Studies
- Feminist theory
- Queer theory
- Hegemony and posthegemony
- Subaltern studies
- Political theory
- Postcolonial theory
- Affect theory
- Memory studies
- Visual studies

The organizers has extended the submission deadline to Jan. 25th 2019.

We welcome presentations in Portuguese, Spanish, and English.

Please submit 250 word abstracts, a title, and a short biography to: spanport-symposium@email.arizona.edu

Presenters will be notified by January 7 whether or not their proposal has been accepted.

Web Site: https://spanish.arizona.edu/graduate/seminar

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