Quinta-feira, 26 de Setembro de 2024

22º Congresso sobre Linguística Hispânica e Lusófona (OSUCHiLL)

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Letras, Linguística

O 22º Congresso sobre Linguística Hispânica e Lusófona (Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics — OSUCHiLL) acontece nos dias 29 e 30 de março Ohio State University, EUA. As professoras Anna Maria Escobar e Malte Rosemeyer são as palestrantes principais desta edição. O prazo máximo para o envio de resumos é o 3 de fevereiro de 2019.

São aceites artigos que tratem de qualquer aspeto teórico da Linguística Hispânica ou Lusófona, incluindo, mas não se limitando a: sociolinguística, pragmática, fonética, fonologia, morfologia, linguística histórica, psicolinguística, semântica e sintaxe; bem como artigos sobre crioulos ou línguas indígenas de países lusófonos e hispânicos. As palestras podem ser dadas em inglês, português ou espanhol.

Mais informações na página da The Ohio State University.

22nd Annual Ohio State University Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
29-Mar-2019 - 30-Mar-2019
Columbus, Ohio, USA

Call Deadline: 03-Feb-2019

The 2019 Ohio State University Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (OSUCHiLL) will be held from 29-Mar-2019 to 30-Mar-2019

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese holds two symposia each year: the Annual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium and the Annual Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (OSUCHiLL). On the website, you will find more information about the current edition of each event.

Keynote speakers:

Dr. Anna Maria Escobar (Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of Illiniois - Urbana Champaign) - Her research interests include Contact Linguistics and Bilingualism, Sociolinguistics and Dialectology, Dynamics of Language (Variation and Change), Historical Andean Sociolinguistics, Quechua/Spanish Contact, Morphology, Grammaticalization and Semantic Change.

Dr. Malte Rosemeyer (Assistant Professor at the Department of Romance Philology at the University of Freiburg) - His research interests include Historical Corpus linguistics, Usage-based Linguistics, and Semantic and Pragmatic Theory.

Call for Papers:

We welcome papers dealing with any aspect of Hispanic or Lusophone Linguistics, including but not limited to: variation, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, phonetics, phonology, morphology, historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, semantics, and syntax. We also welcome papers that discuss creoles or indigenous languages of Hispanic and Lusophone countries. Talks will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion and may be given in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Abstract Submission Information:
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words and must be submitted via EasyAbstracts to http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/osuchill2019

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 3-Feb-2019.

Notification of acceptance: No later than 7-Feb-2019.

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