Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Masks and Human Connections

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Chamada para livros, Ciências Humanas e Sociais

Encontra-se aberta a chamada de contribuições para um livro sobre a relação entre o uso de máscaras e as problemáticas de preservação e desenvolvimento de identidade (WoS, volume indexado Scopus), editado por Luísa Magalhães (luisamagalhaes@ucp.pt) e José Cândido Martins (cmartins@ucp.pt), da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Braga, Portugal).


As pessoas interessadas têm até ao dia 15 de junho de 2021 para enviar um resumo de no máximo 350 palavras, junto com uma breve bibliografia (3-5 fontes) demonstrando os fundamentos teóricos do capítulo proposto, e uma breve biografia (75 palavras).

Masks and Human Connections

Luísa Magalhães & José Cândido Martins, editors

Catholic University of Portugal, Braga, Portugal




Call for Contributions to Edited Collection (WoS, Scopus indexed volume):

We are editing a book of chapters about the relationship between the use of masks and the problematics of identity preservation and development. The book has its origins in an interdisciplinary project built under the hedge of our Research Unit at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Portugal. As editors of this volume, we are accepting contributions with special emphasis on broad research areas.

  This is an interdisciplinary project that is claiming for contributions from different areas. Philosophy, for example, has since long questioned the concepts of identity and alterity in a wide array of intellectual and social contexts. Psychology and behavioral research also addresses the mask as a theme that includes emotions and feelings, familiar quests and personality problems, as well as burnout, imposter syndrome or bipolar disorders. Literary Studies, as addressing the exploitation of the broad and allegorical symbolism of the mask, are frequently relating it to issues of the greatest aesthetic and anthropological relevance, such as cartography of classical myths, identity(s), profiles of literary heroes and other literary "exempla".

 Considering the topic of communication, the project would accept contributions addressing the objects under which masks usage is understood as critical, e.g., the problem of fake news, the distinctive and prophylactic characters that are implied in digital environments, as well as the usage of performative masks or disguised productions in strategic communication. The book would also include the problematic of social media as enhancing the use of different profiles and /or masked identities, as well as the accounts for social media events under the hedge of alterity and of the participation in social / touristic gatherings in traditional or demonstrational circumstances.


 Contributions to this volume might include (but are not limited to) explorations of:

(please feel free to add your suggestions)


1.    The use of Masks and philosophical research:

Identity; Otherness; Alterity;

2.     Psychology, the positioning of self and collective social endeavours

Emotions; Imposter Syndrome; masks and burnout; bipolar contexts of detached personality

3.    Masks and heroes in Literary Studies:

Classical symbolism; Narcissus; literature and masks heroes; masks, identity and enigm;

4.   Communication, social performance and digital humanities:

Fake news; performative masks; digital alterity: profiling characters; news and events; social media

5.    Uses of Masks in Tourism and Society:

Carnival and tourism; parades; social media events; leisure interaction


Submission Guidelines:

Please send an abstract of no more than 350 words, along with a brief bibliography (3-5 sources) demonstrating the proposed chapter’s theoretical foundations, and a short biography (75 words) by june, 15th, 2021.

Please include “Masks and human connections – section number (1-5)” in the subject header and copy both editors on initial submissions and any further correspondence. We are assuming a deadline of 3 months for achieving the full chapter, after the publisher’s approval of the proposal (max. January 2022).

Chapter Guidelines:

Once abstracts are collected, they will be proposed to the publisher, as a proposal for an edited book. After abstract acceptance from the publisher, authors will be asked to write chapters of 7,000 to 7,500 words including references by an agreed-upon date to be determined (depending on publisher’s timetable).

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