Quinta-feira, 26 de Setembro de 2024

Diaspora/Diasporas: Cross-cultural Ibero-Caribbean Texts and Context

Data de abertura: Data de encerramento:

Chamada para livros, Estudos Caribenhos, Estudos da Diáspora, Estudos Ibero-Americanos

Encontra-se aberta, até 30 de setembro de 2022, a chamada para contribuições para o volume Diaspora/Diasporas: Cross-cultural Ibero-Caribbean Texts and Context, editado por Irene M. F. Blayer (PhD), Brock University; Jo-Anne Ferreira (PhD), UWI Trinidad and Tobago e Dulce M. S. Scott (PhD), Anderson University.

A data limite para envio das propostas (resumos de entre 450 e 500 palavras) é 30 de setembro de 2022.

Mais informações na chamada completa em anexo, e pelo email ibero.caribbean.diaspora@gmail.com.

Call for Chapter Contributions
Diaspora/Diasporas: Cross-cultural Ibero-Caribbean Texts and Context

Editors: Irene M. F. Blayer (PhD), Brock University; Jo-Anne Ferreira (PhD), UWI Trinidad and Tobago; Dulce M. S. Scott (PhD), Anderson University

We envision this edited collection to be interdisciplinary and multidimensional, thus incorporating a set of diasporic areas of research within the Ibero-Caribbean context. Chapters are double-blind peer refereed. An invitation to submit a paper in no way guarantees that the paper will be published; this is dependent on the review process. Unpublished and original papers, in English, Portuguese, Spanish, or French are welcome. Proposals that treat other topics not included below but that are of thematic relevance are welcome.

  • Storying the Ibero-Caribbean diaspora
  • Cultural histories in the context of diasporas and globalization
  • Place, history and collective memories / Memory and witness
  • Textualized identity
  • Testimonies, diaries, chronicles, letters, autobiographies
  • Migration and identity: the role of geographical place
  • The diasporic imaginary: Self in the textual narrative
  • Interfacing literary dialogues
  • Circulation and reception of diaspora literature
  • Bilingualism and multilingualism
  • Language and cultural identity
  • Translation and the trials of identity
  • Tradition and social change
  • Material and non-material culture
  • Sociology and psychology of the migrant experience
  • Oral vs. written narratives
  • Cross-generational narratives/ diaries, chronicles, letters
  • The economics of language policy in immigration
  • Language, dislocation, and exile
  • Cross-generational narratives
  • Ethnography of language
  • Re-imagining Ibero-American Insular spaces/worlds

The deadline for the receipt of abstracts (450-500 words) and a biographical note (300-350 words) is September 30, 2022. Those invited to submit full chapters will be notified by December 30th, 2022. Complete chapter drafts should be approximately 4,500-6,500 words including endnotes and bibliography. Chapters must follow the MLA style rules, and will be due June 30, 2023. Prospective contributors should email all inquiries and submissions to: ibero.caribbean.diaspora@gmail.com

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