Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

Chamada para volume especial sobre prosódia e interfaces da revista D.E.L.T.A.: Documentação e Estudos em Linguística Teórica e Aplicada

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Brasil

Chamada para artigos, Linguística

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para o volume especial sobre prosódia e interfaces da revista D.E.L.T.A.: Documentação e Estudos em Linguística Teórica e Aplicada. A data limite para envio de propostas é dia 15 de novembro de 2021.

A edição especial "Prosody and Interfaces" acolhe contribuições para a interação entre prosódia e outros componentes de gramática (por exemplo, morfologia, sintaxe, semântica, pragmática), focando a língua portuguesa. Além de ter como objetivo reunir os papéis apresentados nos Simpósios 7 e 2 do I Congresso Internacional Vozes e Escritos nos Diferentes Espaços da Língua Portuguesa, organizado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras Vernáculas (PPGLEV) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), em novembro de 2020, esta questão especial está amplamente aberta a outros documentos de pesquisa (inéditos) relacionados.

The Special Issue “Prosody and Interfaces” welcomes contributions on the interaction between prosody and other grammar components (e.g., morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics), focusing Portuguese language. Besides aiming at gathering the papers presented at Symposia 7 and 2 of the I International Congress Voices and Writings in the Different Spaces of the Portuguese Language, organized by the Postgraduate Program in Vernacular Letters (PPGLEV) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in November 2020, this special issue is broadly open to other (unpublished) related research papers.

Potential themes/topics of this special issue include but are not limited to the following:

  • prosodic similarities/differences across Portuguese varieties;
  • prosodic properties of Portuguese in contact with other languages;
  • prosodic properties of Portuguese as second language;
  • prosody and the expression of emotions;
  • visual prosody;
  • the prosody of signed languages;
  • the role of prosody for the linguistic processing (of spoken or written modalities);
  • perception of prosody;
  • - …

We encourage the submission of  papers using experimental methods, targeting a broad reader, and envisaging the application to other research areas, such as first/second language learning, computational linguistics, speech therapy, among others.

Paper preparation guidelines:

Papers must conform to the format defined in D.E.L.T.A. guidelines, which must be checked at the journal’s website (https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/delta/about/submissions). Before submitting your paper, please make sure it strictly follows all the journal requirements.

The main text, written in English, should have up to 8000 words and be preceded by an abstract of around 100 words in English and Portuguese, and 3-5 keywords, also in both languages. Please ensure that your paper is proofread by a native English speaker before submission.

Paper submission procedure:

Papers must be submitted in .doc/.docx format, by sending an e-mail to the guest editors: prosody.interfaces@gmail.com
Since papers will undergo a blind peer review process, please make sure that your file is anonymous and that it does not contain any revealing information on its authorship (e.g., the section devoted to the Acknowledgements, if any, should be left incomplete).

Important dates:

Submission deadline: ***November 15, 2021***
Notification acceptance: until February 28, 2022
Submission of a revised version: March 31, 2022


For any question related with the submission procedure to this special issue, please contact us at prosody.interfaces@gmail.com

Looking forward to your submissions,
The Guest Editors
Carolina Serra (UFRJ, Brazil), Flaviane Svartman (USP, Brazil) and Marisa Cruz (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

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