Sábado, 21 de Setembro de 2024

Chamada para o volume coletivo The Politics of Emotional Shockwaves | novo prazo

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Chamada para livros, Ciências Humanas, Filosofia

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para o volume coletivo The Politics of Emotional Shockwaves, sob a responsabilidade de Sara Graça da Silva & Ana Falcato (IELT/IFILNOVA, NOVA FSCH, Lisboa, Portugal). A data limite para o envio de resumos é dia 10 de maio de 2019.

Se a proposta for aceite, os capítulos completos (cerca de 8.000 palavras / 20 páginas, incluindo notas e lista de trabalhos citados) deverão ser enviados até 30 de junho de 2019.

Veja em anexo a chamada completa.

CFP for a collective volume on The Politics of Emotional Shockwaves
Editors: Sara Graça da Silva & Ana Falcato (IELT/IFILNOVA, NOVA FSCH, Lisbon, Portugal)

We are living in dangerous times. The historical (and post-historical) moment the world is facing is one of absolute uncertainty, when even the soil of democracy is being meticulously dismantled. It is all but natural to assume, then, that under such scale of existential threats, the emotional (im)balance of millions of men and women across the globe reflects these constant shockwaves, which impact on social, cultural, political, religious, technological, or other levels of experience.

This interdisciplinary volume wishes to bring together specialists from different areas to deliver expert views on the relationship between morality and emotion, putting a special emphasis on issues related to emotional shocks, covering various methodological angles and entanglements.

Topics should include, but are not restricted to:

  • Emotional shocks
  • Collective and individual emotions
  • Social emotions
  • Gendered emotions
  • Emotions and politics
  • Ethical and judicial approaches
  • Historical emotions
  • Emotions and moral decision-making
  • Phenomenology of Emotions
  • Emotions and wellbeing
  • Emotions and medicine
  • Emotions & the brain
  • Evolutionary perspectives on emotion
  • Emotions and technology
  • Emotions and literature
  • Emotions & the arts

Submission deadline: May 10, 2019.

Please submit your proposal to emotionalshockwaves@gmail.com , and include:

  • A short title for a chapter;
  • An abstract of around 250 words;
  • A brief bio-note of around 150 words.

The volume is dependent upon editorial approval by Routledge. If the proposal is accepted, we would need the completed chapters (roughly around 8.000 words/20 pages including notes and list of works cited) by June 30th 2019 at the latest.

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