Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

Chamada de artigos da HISTÓRIA - Revista da FLUP - n.º 8 - 2.º semestre, IV série, 2018

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Chamada para artigos, História

Está aberto o período de call for papers para a História - Revista da FLUP, número 8 - 2.º semestre, IV série, 2018. A data limite de envio das propostas é 10 de setembro de 2018.

Dossiê temático: Portugal e a Grande Guerra

Coordenadores: Jorge Fernandes Alves; Gaspar Martins Pereira

Instruções para autores

Revista da Faculdade de Letras do Porto - História foi fundada em 1970 e é editada com periodicidade anual desde 1984.

A Revista iniciou em 2011 uma nova série editorial, a IV, adaptando a sua designação original (História – Revista da FLUP) e prosseguindo, em novos moldes, a sua missão de apoio à inovação e divulgação científica em matéria de estudos historiográficos.

Em 2017, deu-se início à publicação da História — Revista da FLUP com periodicidade semestral e exclusivamente em formato online. Os artigos publicados são submetidos a um processo de arbitragem científica, a cargo de especialistas portugueses e estrangeiros.

A revista publica artigos em quatro línguas: português, espanhol, francês e inglês.
Mais informações no site da História — Revista da FLUP.


Coordinators: Jorge Fernandes Alves; Gaspar Martins Pereira

The centenary commemorations of the First World War (1914-1918), which has taken place over a period of five years and has involved different communities from all over the world, has provided new approaches to the events from that period, as well as to numerous publications and studies at several scales various and in a wide range of fields. Some authors even say we are witnessing a sort of editorial vertigo, not only in terms of the amount of new data collected and the new historical overviews and revisions, but also of the countless number of meetings and debates that have been held.

However, the truth is that the First World War, in its global dimension and as a universal phenomenon, which mobilised people from all over the world and draining so many resources, revealed its ultimate irrationality as societies initially set off oblivious on a sure road to disaster. This reality has raised the interest of many academics who want to explore further the reasons behind such decisions that led to political and military abyss, but also to reflect on its costs, as the effects spread everywhere, leaving no one untouched and the world would never be the same.

Despite the many studies already published, we still need to revisit and review the collateral damage felt as a consequence of the participation of the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps at the battlefront, the war fought in the Portuguese African colonies, and the effects felt in mainland Portugal.

Revisiting the First World War, especially focused on the Portuguese war effort, is the challenge launched for the coming issue of the Journal História – Revista da FLUP, n. 9, which will be published during the 2nd semester of 2018, close to the date of the Armistice and the beginning of the Peace negotiations. Therefore, we welcome all those interested in submitting articles under the subject of "Portugal and the First World War", which will be included in the usual thematic dossier, as well as articles intended for the journal’s other areas (Other Studies, Reviews).

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