Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

CFP: The Literary Encyclopedia, entries on Lusophone African writers and literary movements

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Estudos Africanos, Estudos Lusófonos, Literatura

A Enciclopédia Literária em www.litencyc.com procura escritores qualificados para melhorar a sua cobertura das Literaturas e Culturas Africanas Lusófonas. A Enciclopédia está à procura de artigos (de entre 100 e 3000 palavras, em inglês) sobre escritores e obras frequentemente estudadas em cursos universitários. Além disso, a Enciclopédia também está interessada em disponibilizar informação sobre escritores e obras importantes que são frequentemente negligenciadas, e em publicar artigos sobre acontecimentos históricos discretos que sejam relevantes para a compreensão literária. Portanto, novas propostas de escritores/obras/ensaios de texto que atualmente não estão listadas em nossa base de dados são também muito bem-vindas.

Para ter uma ideia da lista de autores e movimentos literários que a Enciclopédia procura, use o login de convidado (nome de usuário 'SummerGuest2020' e senha 'Cortazar1914' sensível a maiúsculas e minúsculas).

A data limite para envio de artigos é 31 de outubro de 2020.

Mais informações: CFP: The Literary Encyclopedia, entries on Lusophone African writers and literary movements


CFP: The Literary Encyclopedia, entries on Lusophone African writers and literary movements

The Literary Encyclopedia at www.litencyc.com is looking for qualified writers to enhance its coverage of Lusophone and Spanish African Literatures and Cultures. We are looking for articles (of c.100 to 3000 words) in English on writers and works frequently studied on university courses, and those that are highly topical and well- known. In addition, the Encyclopedia is also interested in making available information about important writers and works that are often neglected, and in publishing articles about discrete historical events which are relevant to literary understanding. Therefore, new proposals of writers/works/context essays that are not currently listed in our database are also very welcome. To get an idea of the list of authors and literary movements we are looking for, please use our guest login (username ‘SummerGuest2020’ and password ‘Cortazar1914’ case-sensitive). 

If you wish to write on any writer or movement from Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guiné-Bissau or Equatorial Guinea, please email the editors with your proposal of preferred author(s) / work(s) and /or movement(s). We ask you to include a brief summary of your research expertise or publications with an up to date curriculum vitae. The relevant editor will contact you if we are able to assign you your preferred author(s) and/or work(s); if this is not possible another author or work may be offered to you. We would like to receive your contribution by 31st of October 2020. 

The Literary Encyclopedia aims to deliver a global understanding of world literatures and cultures within an adaptable and responsive digital platform that's ethically conceived, minimalist, but packing great functionality. All our articles are solicited by invitation from specialist scholars in higher education institutions all over the world, refereed and approved by subject editors in our Editorial Board. The Literary Encyclopedia predominantly publishes essays of c.400 to c.5000 words categorised as scholarly biographies of important writers/other prominent cultural figures; detailed chronologies of personal lives; descriptive profiles of works; primary bibliographies of all works by all writers listed; secondary bibliographies of recommended reading; essays on genres, concepts, movements, reception and major historical and political events; and short notes (100-500 words) on any appropriate contextual matters. 

We hope that you will wish to join us in this enterprise. If you wish to contribute, please contact the volume editors Dr Maria Tavares (m.tavares@qub.ac.uk), Dr Denise Saive (d.saive.castro@gmail.com), or Professor Luís Madureira (lmadurei@wisc.edu).

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