Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Call for submissions | Summer School in Economic and Social History

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Economia, História

A APHES — Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social e o CIDEHUS — Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora, organizam a Escola de Verão em História Económica e Social, a ter lugar nos dias 26 a 29 de junho de 2019 em Vila Viçosa, Portugal.
As apresentações serão realizadas em inglês. São aceites artigos escritos em inglês, português, espanhol e francês.

O período para submissão de propostas para participação encontra-se aberto até ao dia 25 de março de 2019.

Mais informações no programa em anexo.


Call for submissions
Summer School in Economic and Social History

This Summer School offers comprehensive courses on research methods and main themes in Economic and Social History, as well as a framework for paper presentations from PhD students who are starting their theses and already have a chapter or paper to discuss, and post-doctoral researchers with more advanced papers, possibly in the pipeline for publication. Our aim is to put together researchers with different levels of experience. We will have lectures by distinguished scholars in the morning sessions and in the afternoon we will have the paper presentations by researchers. All topics in Economic and Social History of any geographical and chronological coverage are welcome.



Please send your CV plus a paper or thesis chapter with c. 8,000 words. Submissions should be sent to pedro.lains@ics.ul.pt by 25 March 2019. Notices of acceptance will be sent by 15 April 2019.


Courses and paper presentations will be held in English. Papers written in English, Portuguese, Spanish and French are accepted.

Accommodation and travel expenses

Accommodation and meal expenses for four working days and three nights will be fully covered. Travel expenses will not be covered.


100 euros

Venue and social program

The School will be held at Vila Viçosa. We will have a guided tour to the royal palace and estate.


Graça Almeida Borges (U Évora), Pedro Lains (U Lisboa), Fernanda Olival (U Évora) and Lisbeth Rodrigues (U Lisboa)


  • Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social
  • Universidade de Évora (CIDEHUS)


For more information, see the attached program.

Organization: APHES - Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social | CIDEHUS - Universidade de Évora
From 26.06.2019 to 29.06.2019
09:30 | Vila Viçosa

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