Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

African Studies Review Pipeline for Emerging African Studies Scholars Workshop

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: África do Sul

Estudos Africanos, Formação, Revistas

A African Studies Review (ASR) está com chamada aberta para o workshop Pipeline for Emerging African Studies Scholars (PEASS) a ser realizado em colaboração com a Associação de Estudos Africanos (ASA) para estimular as submissões em revistas de alta qualidade por académicos emergentes em estudos africanos, sob orientação de africanistas seniores.

Juntamente com a ASA e a American Anthropological Association (AAA), a ASR promove um workshop PEASS no dia 28 de maio de 2018, na sequência do Encontro conjunto da ASA e da AAA que se realizará de 25 a 28 de maio de 2018, em Joanesburgo, África do Sul, subordinado ao título "Africa in the World: Shifting Boundaries and Knowledge Production".

As pessoas que desejem enviar uma proposta para um PEASS deverão ser, idealmente, pesquisadores pós-doc, doutores com trabalhos em andamento ou estudantes de doutoramento.

Os pedidos completos podem ser enviados em inglês, francês e português até 15 de março de 2018. O workshop será realizado em inglês.

Todos os candidatos deverão estar registados para a Conferência Africa in the World.

As mulheres, as minorias, e académicos de disciplinas sub-representadas na Revista de Estudos Africanos (ASR), são encorajados a candidatar-se. Indivíduos de todas as nacionalidades e cidadania são elegíveis.

Mais informações no site da Associação de Estudos Africanos.

African Studies Review Pipeline for Emerging African Studies Scholars Workshop in Collaboration with the African Studies Association (USA)

The African Studies Review (ASR) convenes Pipeline for Emerging African Studies Scholars (PEASS) Workshops in collaboration with the African Studies Association (USA) to stimulate, solicit, and further develop high quality journal submissions from emerging scholars of African studies under the mentorship of senior Africanists. In collaboration with the ASA and the American Anthropological Association (AAA), the ASR will sponsor a PEASS workshop on May 28, 2018. This workshop will follow the second joint conference of the ASA and AAA, “Africa in the World: Shifting Boundaries and Knowledge Production,” which will be held May 25-28, 2018, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Scholars who wish to submit a proposal to a PEASS are, ideally, postdoctoral researchers, newly minted PhDs with works-in-progress currently underway, and soon-to-submit PhD students. Emerging scholars will have an opportunity to work closely with senior scholars to re-work a pre-circulated draft article.

Eligibility & Application Criteria:

  1. Complete applications may be submitted in English, French, and Portuguese no later than March 15, 2018 – incomplete applications shall not be considered. Please note that the entire workshop will be conducted in English;
  2. All applicants shall be program participants on the draft program and registered for the Africa in the World: Shifting Boundaries and Knowledge Production conference [see];
  3. PhD student applicants shall be ABD, and have completed dissertation research;
  4. Early career applicants shall have completed their PhD within the past five years (since May 2013);
  5. Women and minorities, as well as scholars of disciplines underrepresented in the African Studies Review are encouraged to apply.
  6. Individuals from all nationalities and citizenships are eligible.

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