Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

Women of the Brown Atlantic | Memory Residency 2020 – competitive open call

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Bolsas, Estudos Afro-Brasileiros, Estudos Portugueses, Género, Mulheres, Pesquisa

O projeto Women of the Brown Atlantic convida pesquisadores em início de carreira para a sessão de 2020 da “Memory Residency”, uma bolsa de estudos de um mês na Universidade de Exeter.

Espera-se que os candidatos participem de trabalhos académicos relacionados ao tema do projeto financiado pelo AHRC: “Women of the Brown Atlantic Real and Imaginary Passages in Portuguese, 1711-2011".

Este projeto explora as comunidades de mulheres negras que participaram na história da mobilidade e da memória no Atlântico, nos domínios da literatura, da teoria e do cinema transnacional. Focando em uma relação de três séculos entre o Brasil, a África e Portugal como o seu objeto de investigação, o projeto visa construir novas perspetivas sobre a memória e o movimento feminino negro que estejam atentas à diferença de género e às identidades queer, bem como às afiliações regionais, nacionais e transnacionais.

A data limite para apresentação de candidaturas é dia 25 de novembro de 2019.

Mais informações: http://womenofthebrownatlantic.exeter.ac.uk/opportunities/memory-residency-2020-competitive-open-call/



Women of the Brown Atlantic
Real and Imaginary Passages in Portuguese, 1711-2011
Memory Residency 2020 – competitive open call


The Memory Residency – COMPETITIVE OPEN CALL
A one-month visiting scholarship for ECRs at the University of Exeter


Deadline: 25 November 2019
Interviews (via skype): early December 2019
Memory Residency start date: 2020 (dates negotiable)


We invite applications from Early Career Researchers for the 2020 session of the “Memory Residency”, a one-month visiting scholarship at the University of Exeter in 2020 (start date negotiable). Candidates are expected to engage in scholarly work related to the theme of the AHRC-funded project, “Women of the Brown Atlantic: Real and Imaginary Passages in Portuguese 1711-2011” (for more information on the project, please visit the project website or get in touch with the project PI, Ana Martins at a.m.d.martins@exeter.ac.uk.

The Memory Residency is designed to:

  • encourage research and writing on the themes of memory and mobility, as well as gender and sexuality, in the Brown (i.e. Lusophone) Atlantic;
  • promote interaction among the Residency holder and members of the Exeter academic community;
  • facilitate the dissemination of the ECR’s findings through publications and the seminar series of both the Exeter Centre for Latin American Studies (EXCELAS) and the Centre for Translating Cultures;


The Memory Residency is open to Early Career Researchers (i.e., researchers who are within 10 years of the award of their PhD) of any nationality working in the Arts and Humanities. Candidates should have sufficient level of English language skills to conduct research, participate in departmental life, and present one academic seminar at Exeter during the visiting scholarship. Creative writing and projects that result in a performance are not eligible.

URL: http://womenofthebrownatlantic.exeter.ac.uk/opportunities/memory-residency-2020-competitive-open-call/

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