Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Vaga de Teaching Assistant de Português em Middlebury College

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Emprego, Língua, PLE

O Departamento de Espanhol e Português do Middlebury College (Vermont, EUA) está com uma vaga aberta para Assistente de Português (Teaching Assistant) para o ano académico 2019-2020. Os interessados devem enviar as candidaturas até ao dia 08 de abril de 2019.

O departamento procura alguém que já tenha mestrado ou o esteja completando, além de possuir uma personalidade que combine bem com os estudantes e que tenha a criatividade necessária para promover as culturas lusófonas em uma variedade de eventos e iniciativas. 

Assistant in Portuguese 

The Department of Luso-Hispanic Studies at Middlebury College is looking for an Assistant in Portuguese (T.A.) for the academic year 2019-2020. This is a multi-faceted position that combines organizational and extra-curricular responsibilities with the opportunity to undertake coursework at Middlebury College. The ideal candidate would be a Master’s student with native or near-native fluency in Portuguese, fluency in English, and interest in language instruction. The successful candidate will receive full tuition for one course in each semester – Fall and Spring, full room and board for the academic year, a stipend of $13,440, student health and dental insurance (subject to the regular deductibles), and the cost of airfare to and from Middlebury College. 

In the case that the candidate will be offered to teach a language or culture course, he/she will be paid an extra honorary, subject to previous discussion with the administration. 

Responsibilities: The assistant will live in the Portuguese-language house with students who have made a commitment to speak only Portuguese. The assistant will also eat in the student dining halls during the week at lunchtime at the Portuguese-language table. He or she will encourage the use of Portuguese by providing a linguistic model and by organizing cultural and recreational activities that will promote the Portuguese language and Lusophone cultures. These activities could include – but are not limited to – movie & video showings, “cafezinhos”, guest lectures, theme dinners, parties, etc. 

The Portuguese T.A. will assist the faculty of the Portuguese program by leading conversation sections for its intermediate/advanced course. Additionally, the T.A. might correct workbooks/quizzes, conduct exams or substitute classes during the semesters for faculty away at conferences

The Portuguese T.A. should plan to be available on campus by the last week of August of 2019, staying through the end of the examination period of each semester (December 15, May 19), and we would hope he or she would stay for the Commencement ceremonies in late May 24. Candidates should electronically submit dossiers (cover letter and curriculum vitae) in English no later than April 8, 2019 to Marcos J. Rohena-Madrazo (mrm@middlebury.edu). Questions regarding the position should also be sent to Fabíola Stein (fstein@middlebury.edu).

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