Quinta-feira, 26 de Setembro de 2024

Universidade de Chicago seleciona docente em Estudos Ibéricos ou Estudos do Cone Sul

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Emprego, Estudos Ibéricos, Estudos Latino-Americanos

O Departamento de Línguas e Literaturas Românicas da Universidade de Chicago procura candidatos para um lugar de Professor Assistente em Estudos Ibéricos Modernos ou em Estudos do Cone Sul, com início previsto para julho de 2023.

A candidatura selecionada deverá ser fluente em espanhol (nível nativo ou quase nativo) e ter completado todos os requisitos para a obtenção do doutoramento até ao início da nomeação. É altamente desejável a capacidade de trabalhar noutras línguas para além do espanhol, e particularmente noutras línguas peninsulares como o português, catalão, galego ou basco para Estudos Ibéricos Modernos; ou línguas indígenas ou português para Estudos do Cone Sul.  

O prazo para candidaturas está aberto até o dia 15 de outubro de 2022

Mais informações: https://apply.interfolio.com/111360

Assistant Professor in Modern Iberian Studies or Southern Cone Studies

The University of Chicago: Humanities Division: Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Location: Chicago, IL

Open Date: Aug 16, 2022

Deadline: Oct 15, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time


The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago seeks candidates for a position of Assistant Professor in either Modern Iberian Studies or Southern Cone Studies to begin on July 1, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter.


The successful candidate must have native or near-native Spanish and have completed all requirements for the receipt of the PhD by the start of the appointment. The successful candidate also will have excellent writing skills, demonstrated ability to carry out original research, evidence of professional activity, and successful teaching experience. The ability to work in languages other than Spanish, and particularly other peninsular languages such as Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, or Basque for Modern Iberian Studies, or indigenous languages or Portuguese for Southern Cone Studies is highly desirable.  

Application Instructions

Applications must include:

  • a CV,
  • cover letter,
  • a research statement that situates the candidate’s work within what they understand to be the state and direction/s of the field (not to exceed two pages),
  • and a sample of scholarship in Spanish or in English (not to exceed 25 pages)

Please add these materials to the University of Chicago's Academic Recruitment website at apply.interfolio.com/111360. The materials listed above must be received by 11pm central time on October 15, 2022.

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