Sábado, 21 de Setembro de 2024

Universidade de Cambridge seleciona investigador para projeto The Prison Consensus

Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Ciências Sociais, Desenvolvimento, Emprego, Estudos Brasileiros, Investigação

O Centro Estudos para o Desenvolvimento (CDS, pela sigla em inglês), sediado no Departamento de Política e Estudos Internacionais da Universidade de Cambridge, convida para a apresentação de candidaturas para uma vaga de Investigador Associado, com a duração de 36 meses, no âmbito do Projeto The Prison Consensus, financiado pelo Leverhulme Trust.

Este projeto tem como tema a construção exponencial de prisões no Brasil e será realizado por uma equipa integrada de investigadores, com o Investigador Associado a desempenhar um papel crucial no trabalho de campo, da análise e da publicação.

Os candidatos precisam possuir uma profunda familiaridade com o Brasil, experiência de trabalho de campo qualitativo e conhecimento das instituições brasileiras. A fluência em português é uma competência necessária, uma vez que o investigador associado realizará um trabalho de campo aprofundado no Brasil com a equipa e por conta própria.

O período de candidaturas decorre até ao dia 15 de março de 2024.

Mais informações: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DGB595/research-associate-the-prison-consensus-project

Research Associate - The Prison Consensus Project

University of Cambridge - Department of Politics and International Studies


Brazil - Brazil, Cambridge


£36,024 to £44,263 pa


Full Time

Contract Type:


Placed On:

20th February 2024


15th March 2024

Job Ref:


Applications are invited for a 36-month Research Associate position on The Prison Consensus Project, a research effort funded by the Leverhulme Trust. This post will be based at the Centre of Development Studies (CDS), a world-leading teaching and interdisciplinary research Centre housed in the Department of Politics and International Studies

This project is concerned with the exponential construction of prisons in Brazil, who benefits, what implications there are for political and social life, and how prisons are justified amidst widespread recognition that they create social problems rather than solve them. The project will be carried out by an integrated team of researchers (PI, Co-I, Research Associate and Research Assistant), with the Research Associate playing a crucial role in fieldwork, analysis and publication.

The team is eager to receive applications from candidates with deep familiarity of Brazil, strong qualitative fieldwork experience and knowledge of Brazilian institutions, incarceration, criminalisation, and/or land ownership, service contracts, local politics and governance across scales of the state. Fluency in Portuguese is a necessary skill since the Research Associate will undertake in depth fieldwork in Brazil with the Team and on their own.

The Research Associate will participate in all project activities, and especially in carrying out fieldwork for sustained periods of time ¿ up to 90 days per year. In order to interrogate the social, economic and political changes associated with the prison consensus, this fieldwork is likely to include formal and informal interviewing of state employees, local stakeholders and politicians, archival inquiry and ethnographic fieldwork in states such as Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso and Ceará. The Research Associate will work closely with the PI (Graham Denyer Willis) and Co-I (Pedro Mendes Loureiro) to gather this evidence, analyse and examine its scope and to generate compelling co-authored publications, outputs and public engagement.

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