Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

Programa de bolsas Zukunftskolleg’s AAA apoia jovens pesquisadores da África, Ásia e América Latina

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Alemanha

Bolsas, Doutoramento, Pós-Doutoramento

O programa de bolsas Zukunftskolleg’s AAA apoia pesquisadores em início de carreira da África, Ásia e América Latina. As bolsas AAA têm duração de até três (ou seis) meses e são oferecidas a pesquisadores relacionados a um dos treze departamentos da Universidade de Constança, na Alemanha.

Como essas bolsas podem construir uma primeira ponte para o sistema académico alemão e europeu, são encorajadas as candidaturas de estudantes de doutoramento em seu último ano.

O financiamento segue as regras do Serviço Alemão de Intercâmbio Académico (DAAD) e incluirá uma bolsa de 1.200 € / mês e a viagem para Constança.

Os prazos para apresentação de candidatura são 31 de março e 30 de abril de 2019.

Mais informações:

The Zukunftskolleg’s AAA Fellowships support early career researcher from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The AAA Fellowships have a duration of up to three (or six) months and are offered to researchers related to one of the thirteen departments of the University of Konstanz. You can use this time to extend your research networks and to get to know the re-search environment at the University of Konstanz, without losing your ties to your home uni-versity. As these fellowships can build a first bridge to the German and European academic system, we also encourage doctoral students in their last year to apply. As a AAA Fellow, you will have a Zukunftskolleg Fellow as a partner who will help you integrate into your re-spective department and will support you during your research.

Funding follows DAAD rules and will include a stipend of 1.200€/ month and a contribution to travelling to Konstanz and back. The Zukunftskolleg will not offer employment contracts for AAA fellows. You may negotiate a contribution to health insurance and visa costs with the Central Office after the application was granted by the Executive Committee.


  • You are from an AAA country.
  • You hold a doctorate or equivalent professional qualification OR are a doctoral student in your last year. Please provide either the certificate or a letter from your supervisor commenting on the progress of your doctoral thesis.
  • You do not hold a permanent academic position or a professorship, nor do you have a Habilitation or equivalent (Venia legendi).
  • Your research project should tie in with one of the disciplines represented at the University of Konstanz.
  • You should identify a researcher at the University of Konstanz with whom you intend to collaborate. Preference will be given to applicants who plan to team up with one of our current Zukunftskolleg Fellows.

Deadlines: 31 March 2019 and 30 April 2019

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