Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

Prémio A.H. Oliveira Marques - Novo prazo

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

História, Prémios

A Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies ― ASPHS está com candidaturas abertas, até ao dia 15 de fevereiro de 2020, ao prémio A.H. Oliveira Marques. Os artigos ou capítulos de livros submetidos podem ser escritos em português, inglês, castelhano, catalão, italiano ou francês, mas apenas serão consideradas propostas sobre a história portuguesa publicados no ano de 2019. Os autores devem ser membros ativos da ASPHS para serem elegíveis.

Mais informações no site da ASPHS.

The A. H. de Oliveira Marques Prize was created by means of a generous endowment from Dr. Harold B. Johnson, of the University of Virginia, in memory of the distinguished Portuguese historian, A. H. de Oliveira Marques (1933-2007). The prize, which carries an honorarium of $250, is awarded each year for the best peer-reviewed article or book chapter on Portuguese history published during the previous year.


The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies solicits submissions for this year’s prize. Submitted articles or book chapters may be written in Portuguese, English, Castilian, Catalan, Italian, or French, but only articles on Portuguese history published within the 2019 calendar year will be considered. Authors must be active members of the ASPHS to be eligible. Authors should submit one copy of the article and a short (2-page) CV in PDF form to the members of the prize committee Liam Brockey, chair (brockey@msu.edu), Márcia Gonçalves  (marcia.goncalves@alumni.eui.eu), and Patrícia Ferraz de Matos (patricia.ferraz.matos@gmail.com) via email by 15 February 2020.  

Please direct queries to the chair of the prize committee.

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