Sábado, 21 de Setembro de 2024

Pesquisador Associado de Pós-Doutorado com experiência em SIG

Data de abertura: Data de encerramento:

Ciências Sociais, Emprego, Geografia, Sociologia

Estão abertas inscrições para um cargo de Pesquisador Associado de Pós-Doutorado com experiência em SIG, de preferência combinada com conhecimento de metodologias de ciências sociais/geografia humana. O cargo é uma posição do PDRA como parte de um projeto financiado pelo UKRI (selecionado pelo ERC) sobre extração em pequena escala na Amazônia intitulado “INFRACURSIONS: Deregulated Infrastructures of Extraction in Rainforest Frontiers” liderado pela Dra. Amy Penfield no Departamento de Antropologia e Arqueologia do Universidade de Bristol.

O cargo é oferecido em regime de período fixo de tempo integral por 3 anos.

O trabalho exigirá viagens à América do Sul para realizar a recolha de dados e interagir com parceiros colaboradores. Será dada preferência a candidatos que já tenham trabalhado em temas relacionados à política/política sul-americana, questões ambientais e/ou extrativistas, e que tenham domínio do idioma espanhol e/ou português.

Mais informações: Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA1 INFRACURSIONS)

Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA1 INFRACURSIONS)

University of Bristol - Faculty of Arts




£37,099 to £41,732 per annum


Full Time

Contract Type:


Placed On:

21st February 2024


17th April 2024

Job Ref:



The role

Applications are invited for a position of Postdoctoral Research Associate with expertise in GIS, preferably combined with knowledge of social science/human geography methodologies. The post is a PDRA position as part of a UKRI funded (ERC selected) project on small-scale extraction in Amazonia entitled “INFRACURSIONS: Deregulated Infrastructures of Extraction in Rainforest Frontiers” led by Dr Amy Penfield in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at the University of Bristol. The objective for this role is to map out the emergence of small-scale extraction in Amazon deforestation hotspots using remote sensing and other land-use datasets, with the potential to supplement with data collection in South America and policy research.

What will you be doing?

The PDRA will work closely with a team of ethnographers who will be collecting long-term ethnographic data on the social, legal and technical dimensions of small-scale extraction in Amazonia. The successful candidate will primarily be responsible for consolidating, analysing and presenting GIS data visualisations relevant to the project aims and designing ground-level citizen science data collection to test or supplement claims. You will work closely alongside the PI and a team of anthropologists/ethnographers, as well as advisory board members and academic/non-academic partners in South America. The post is offered on a full-time fixed term basis for 3 years.

You should apply if

You will have a PhD in a relevant discipline that provides knowledge/training in GIS (geography, biology, etc.) but some knowledge or training in a social science methodologies is desirable (e.g. sociology, human geography, etc.). You will have excellent organisational, communication and presentation skills. You should demonstrate that you can engage in interdisciplinary collaborative work. This role will require travel to South America to undertake data collection and to engage with collaborating partners. Preference will be given to candidates who have previously worked on topics relating to South American policy/politics, environmental issues and/or extraction, and who have language skills in Spanish and/or Portuguese.

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