Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

Fulbright / Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language (Camões, I.P.) Open Study/Research Award

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos, Portugal

Bolsas, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Investigação

A Comissão Fulbright Portugal e o Camões, I.P. divulgam a abertura do período de candidaturas para uma bolsa de investigação destinada a cidadãos dos Estados Unidos, que visa promover oportunidades de desenvolvimento pessoal por meio do intercâmbio educacional e cultural.

A duração da bolsa será de 8 meses e o período de concessão para a bolsa 2021-2022 decorrerá entre os dias 1 de outubro e 31 de maio. A data limite de candidatura é dia 13 de outubro de 2020.

Os projetos devem estar em uma das seguintes áreas de estudo:

  • Cultura
  • Tradução e Interpretação
  • Avaliação e certificação de aprendizagem
  • Pedagogia e Didática do Ensino da Língua Portuguesa
  • Educação a Distância
  • Linguística
  • Literatura

Estas áreas limitam-se a disciplinas relacionadas com a língua e cultura portuguesas e será dada preferência a projetos que sejam especialmente relevantes para as relações culturais luso-americanas.

Para saber mais sobre as Instituições de Ensino Superior e Centros de Investigação portugueses, visite Study & Research in Portugal.

Mais informações: Fulbright / Camões, I.P. Open Study/Research Award

Fulbright / Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language (Camões, I.P.) Open Study/Research Award

Deadline for applications is October 13, 2020, for AY2021/2022

The Fulbright / Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language (Camões, I.P.) Open Study/Research Award is designed to give U.S. citizens opportunities for personal development through educational and cultural exchange.

Over the last decades, Portugal has seen remarkable progress in learning, science and innovation, reflected in the quality of education offered at Portuguese universities. Internationalization and academic mobility are one of the priorities for Portuguese higher education institutions, which are increasingly attractive to a growing number of international students, scholars and researchers.

To learn more about Portuguese Higher Education Institutions and Research Centers, visit Study & Research in Portugal.

The Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States of America and Portugal – Fulbright Commission Portugal strives to be a collaborative and innovative organization and is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.

We seek to ensure that all our grants, programs and activities reflect the diversity of U.S. and Portuguese societies and are open to people regardless of their ethnicity, sex, age, religion, geographic location, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.

We work every day to build a culture of inclusiveness, respect for diversity, and understanding of the many differences that enrich the Fulbright Program.

Grant Duration and Period

Grant Duration: 8 months.

Grant Period: October 1 to May 31.

Grant starting date is October 1 but grantees are expected to travel to Portugal to attend a mandatory on-site orientation in Lisbon, in late September. The Fulbright Commission will cover accommodation in Lisbon for grantees placed outside of Lisbon.

A grantee can extend their stay in Portugal after the grant is complete but must secure a visa and insurance for any additional period of time. Fulbright sponsorship is for 8 months only, no funds or other grant benefits can be extended or transferred to the following academic year.


Candidate Profile

Applications are welcome from well-qualified candidates, at all degree levels, who have completed a Bachelor’s degree before the start of the grant.

Projects should be in one of the following fields of study:

  • Culture
  • Translation and Interpretation
  • Learning Evaluation and Certification
  • Portuguese Language Teaching Pedagogy and Didactic
  • Distance Education
  • Linguistics
  • Literature

These fields are limited to subjects related to Portuguese language and culture and preference will be given to projects that are especially relevant to Portuguese-American cultural relations.

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