Sexta-feira, 27 de Setembro de 2024

Concurso para três bolsas de pós-doutoramento em Ciências sociais e humanas nos EUA | Dartmouth College

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Arte, Bolsas, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Estudos Africanos, Estudos Afro-Americanos, Estudos Latino-Americanos, Estudos Portugueses, Literatura, Pós-Doutoramento

O Leslie Center for the Humanities do Dartmouth College, em Hanover (EUA), seleciona três bolsistas de pós-doutoramento na área de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Para estas vagas a universidade não aceita candidatos com especializações em História nem em Estudos sobre Mulheres, Gênero e Sexualidade. A candidatura deve ser apresentada até 15 de setembro de 2020.

Os candidatos poderiam fazer parte dos seguintes departamentos ou programas interdisciplinares:

Departamentos: Arte, História da Arte, Clássicos, Literatura Comparada, Escrita Inglesa e Criativa, Estudos de Cinema e Mídia, Francês e Italiano, Estudos Alemães, Música, Filosofia, Religião, Russo, Espanhol e Português, Arte de Estúdio, Teatro.

Programas Interdisciplinares: Estudos Africanos e Afro-Americanos; Sociedades, culturas e línguas asiáticas; Literatura Comparada; Estudos Judaicos; Estudos Latino-Americanos, Latinos e Caribenhos; Estudos do Oriente Médio; Estudos Nativos Americanos; Estudos sobre mulheres, gênero e sexualidade

Mais informações na página do Leslie Center for the Humanities e através do e-mail

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships

With the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Dartmouth is pleased to accept applications for three postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities and humanistic social sciences from Fall 2021 to the end of Spring 2023. These fellowships foster the academic careers of scholars who have recently received their Ph.D. degrees by permitting them to pursue their research while gaining mentored experience as teachers and members of the departments and/or programs in which they are housed. The program also benefits Dartmouth by complementing existing curricula with underrepresented fields.

We seek candidates for placement in one of Dartmouth's Arts and Humanities departments/programs, listed below. This year, we are not accepting applications in History or in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. If your degree is in History but your humanistic interdisciplinary work is appropriate for placement in one of our Arts and Humanities departments/programs, then we welcome your application.  Applicants must focus on materials customarily associated with research in the humanities or employ methods common in humanistic research.

Dartmouth's Arts and Humanities Departments/Programs:

Departments: Art, Art History, Classics, Comparative Literature, English and Creative Writing, Film and Media Studies, French and Italian, German Studies, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese, Studio Art, Theater

Interdisciplinary Programs: African and African American Studies; Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages; Comparative Literature; Jewish Studies; Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies; Middles Eastern Studies; Native American Studies; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Terms of Appointment

Fellows are expected to be in residency at Dartmouth for the full two years of the fellowship, although occasional travel necessary for research may be approved. Fellows teach one course in their home department(s) or program(s) in the second year of their residency. This course may be offered at any level from introductory to advanced topics that contribute something new to the Dartmouth curriculum, and the selection of course will be made in consultation with the home department(s) or program(s). Fellows do not teach basic language courses.

The appointed fellows will enjoy full use of such college resources as the library, computing center, the Leslie Center for the Humanities, Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences, the Dickey Center for International Understanding, the Hood Museum of Art, and the Hopkins Center.

The 2020-22 fellows received an annual stipend of $57,528 plus benefits, an annual research allowance of $2,000, and a first-year-only computer allowance of $2,500. The terms for the 2021-2023 fellows will be similar.

Applicants for the 2021-23 fellowships must have completed a Ph.D. no earlier than January 1, 2020. Candidates who do not yet hold a Ph.D., but expect to by June 30, 2021, should supply a letter from their home institution corroborating such a schedule.

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