Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

CEI-Iscte abre concurso para atribuição de 2 Bolsas de Investigação na área dos Estudos Africanos

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Bolsas de investigação, Doutoramento, Estudos Africanos


O Centro de Estudos Internacionais (CEI) do Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Portugal) anuncia a abertura de um concurso para duas bolsas de doutoramento na área dos Estudos Africanos ou áreas afins, no contexto do ERC Starting Grant “AfDevLives: The Afterlifes of Development Interventions in Eastern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique)” (Ref. 101041788), organizado pelo CEI-Iscte e liderado pelo Dr. Yonatan N. Nossa.

O concurso está aberto até 31 de maio de 2022 e destina-se a candidatos que reúnam as condições necessárias para se inscreverem num programa de doutoramento relevante do Iscte.

Mais informações:

Call for two PhD positions, ERC grant on international development in Eastern Africa


The Centre of International Studies (CEI) at Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal) announces the opening of a competition for 2 (two) doctoral grants in the area of African Studies or related fields.

The positions are offered in the context of the ERC Starting Grant “AfDevLives: The Afterlives of Development Interventions in Eastern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique)” (Ref. 101041788), hosted by CEI-Iscte and led by Dr. Yonatan N. Gez.

AfDevLives studies the legacies of development interventions and their long-term impact on local communities. The successful candidates will pursue their doctoral thesis at CEI-Iscte (starting in October 2022), where they will be fully integrated into the project’s interdisciplinary research team and activities, and assume an active role in advancing the project’s academic and non-academic objectives. Team members will be based in Lisbon and will conduct multiple rounds of extended fieldwork in Eastern Africa (Kenya/Tanzania).

The competition is open between April 15th and May 31st 2022 (midnight) and is intended for applicants who meet the conditions necessary to enroll in a relevant doctoral program at Iscte.

Further information:


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