Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Bolsas de pesquisa do Centro David Rockefeller para Estudos Latino-Americanos (DRCLAS)

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Brasil, Estados Unidos

Bolsas de investigação, Estudos Latino-Americanos, Mobilidade, Programas

O Centro David Rockefeller para Estudos Latino-Americanos (DRCLAS) seleciona pesquisadores (Visiting Scholars) e profissionais (Fellows) que desejam passar um ou dois semestres em Harvard trabalhando em seus próprios projetos de pesquisa.

O DRCLAS oferece bolsas residenciais para bolsistas e bolsistas visitantes da Argentina, Brasil, Caribe, América Central, Chile, Colômbia e Equador, México, Peru e Venezuela. Acadêmicos de outros países cujo trabalho se concentra no Brasil, América Central, Caribe, Colômbia, Equador ou Venezuela também são elegíveis. Além disso, há bolsas para residências em país da região. Atualmente, o Centro oferece nove bolsas de estudo para um semestre de residência em Harvard.

As bolsas cobrem as despesas de viagem de ida e volta, o seguro de saúde e um salário equivalente a US $ 25.000,00 enquanto estiver em Harvard. Os compromissos são tipicamente por um ou dois semestres. Espera-se que os destinatários passem um mínimo de doze semanas na universidade.

O prazo de inscrição para o ano letivo de 2019-20 é 1 de fevereiro de 2019.

Mais informações no site do DRCLAS.

David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS)

Visiting Scholars Program

The application deadline for the 2019-20 academic year is February 1, 2019.

Each year the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) selects a number of distinguished academics (Visiting Scholars) and professionals (Fellows) who wish spend one or two semesters at Harvard working on their own research and writing projects. DRCLAS offers residential fellowships for Visiting Scholars and Fellows from Argentina, Brazil, the Caribbean, Central America, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. There are typically 10-12 Visiting Scholars and Fellows in residence each academic year. Scholars from other countries whose work focuses on Brazil, Central America, the Caribbean, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela are also eligible. In addition, resources are available each year to provide residential fellowships from any country in the region. The Center currently offers nine fellowships that provide support for one semester of residence for Visiting Scholars and Fellows who are engaged in research projects on any country in Latin America or the Caribbean.

Visiting Scholars and Fellows are provided shared office space, computer, library borrowing privileges, access to University facilities and events, and opportunities to audit classes and attend seminars in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and in other Harvard professional schools. The residential fellowships cover round-trip travel expenses, health insurance (for the foreign Visiting Scholar or Fellow and accompanying immediate family), and a taxable $25,000 living stipend while at Harvard. Appointments are typically for one or two semesters. Recipients are expected to spend a minimum of twelve weeks at the University. Visiting Scholars and Fellows may also obtain funding from their own academic institutions, outside foundations or personal resources.

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