Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

Transregional remembrances: artistic memory work after dictatorships

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Roménia

Arte, Chamada para trabalhos, Memória

O Departamento de Ciência Política da Universidade de Bucareste sedia, no dia 21 de novembro de 2019, o Workshop «Transregional remembrances: artistic memory work after dictatorships», promovido pelo Centro Interdisciplinar de pesquisa em Política, Artes, Memória e Sociedade (PolArt) no âmbito do projeto Transregional Artistic Memory.

Este workshop tem como objetivo analisar as práticas de memória artística transregional no caso de sociedades que experimentaram regimes ditatoriais. O seu foco particular está nas comparações entre a América do Sul (especialmente o Cone Sul: Chile, Argentina, Uruguai, Paraguai e Brasil) e a Europa Oriental (incluindo a ex-Iugoslávia). Os organizadores procuram pesquisas que operem na interseção entre os campos da Justiça Transicional, a Teoria da Arte e a Memória Cultural; e que adotem uma abordagem comparativa para a circulação de modelos artísticos, ferramentas e práticas de intervenção.

A data limite para envio de resumos (300 palavras) é dia 1 de setembro de 2019.

Mais informações no site do projeto Transregional Artistic Memory.


DATE: 21 November 2019

VENUE: Department of Political Science, University of Bucharest

This workshop aims to analyze transregional artistic memory practices in the case of societies that have experienced dictatorial regimes. Its particular focus lies within comparisons between South America (especially the Southern Cone – Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil) and Eastern Europe (including ex-Yugoslavia). We are looking for research that operates at the intersection between the fields of Transitional Justice, Art Theory and Cultural Memory and that takes a comparative approach to the circulation of artistic templates, intervention tools and practices.

Which pathos formulae (Aby Warburg)/ cultural schemas/narrative templates do we see circulating between different regions? How are similar artistic genres and aesthetic approaches mobilized and locally inflected in differente regions? How is their circulation shaped by national and transnational infrastructures and how do they compare in terms of production and reception? Finally, we are particularly interested in methodological opportunities, limitations, and critiques of the transregional approach.

We welcome papers that focus on but need not be limited to one or several of the following:

• the role of artistic practices in processes of transitional justice (especially in South America and Eastern Europe)

• artistic practices that act as stand-ins or alternatives of transitional justice; that critique the limits of transitional justice or are, on the contrary, supported by institutions and bodies in the field of transitional justice

• cinematographic, performative, museal, visual memory practices

• modes, media, genres of remembrance

• representations of memory and art interventions • artistic developments during and after dictatorship: continuations, ruptures, legacies of protest art

• art and social movements during and after dictatorship • networks and exchanges in transregional socio-cultural fields • systems of artistic production and reception across regions

• methodological challenges and opportunities

• methodological reflections on area studies versus transregional studies

This workshop is organized by the Interdisciplinary research center on Politics, Arts, Memory and Society (PolArt) and is a part of the project TRANSREGIONAL ARTISTIC MEMORY

Those interested should send us a short abstract (300 words) of their intended presentation, together with a short CV.


CONTACT: Caterina Preda (Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Bucharest),

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