Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

The Catholic Church and the decolonization of the Portuguese Empire

Início: Fim: Países: Estados Unidos

Estudos Lusófonos, Estudos Portugueses, História

O Centro de Estudos e Cultura Portuguesa da Universidade de Massachusetts Dartmouth promove a palestra "The Catholic Church and the decolonization of the Portuguese Empire", pelo Prof. Eric Morier-Genoud (Hélio and Amélia Pedroso / Luso-American Foundation Endowed Chair in Portuguese Studies at UMass Dartmouth). O evento terá lugar no dia 11 de dezembro de 2021 pelas 15h, no New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, MA.

Inscreva-se aqui para participar via Zoom.


The Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture | Tagus Press 

proudly presents

The Catholic Church and the decolonization of the Portuguese Empire

A talk by

Prof. Eric Morier-Genoud, 

Hélio and Amélia Pedroso / Luso-American Foundation Endowed Chair in Portuguese Studies at UMass Dartmouth



A pilar of the Portuguese and colonial societies, the Catholic church was deeply affected by decolonization. Favoured and yet constrained by a Concordat and missionary accord, the church faced hard choices in the 1960s just as it was updating its theology at the Second Vatican Council. The church rapidly became divided over the issue of decolonization, and by the 1970s it fractured at once. Priests, sisters, laymen and laywomen were imprisoned and individuals as well as groups of missionaries and even a bishop were expelled. Navigating a rich and complex situation, this presentation unpacks the dynamics of the church after 1945, teases out the diversity of situations and positions in Angola, Mozambique and other colonies, and offers a panorama of the politics of church and state in Portugal and its colonies right up to 1975.

Eric Morier-Genoud is a Reader in African and Imperial History at Queen’s University, Belfast. His main research interests are Religion and Politics, War and Conflict Resolution, the Portuguese-speaking world, and Southern Africa. He is a recognized leader in the field of social movements within the context of Lusophone Africa. 


When: Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 3pm
Where: Harbor View Gallery, New Bedford Whaling Museum, 18 Johnny Cake Hill,
New Bedford, MA 02740

Face Masks required

Register here to join via zoom.

For additional information please contact Clara Bordas, cbordas@umassd.edu

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