Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

Symposium on Lusophone Land Legacies in Global Perspective

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Canadá

Antropologia, Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Lusófonos, Género, História

Chamada de trabalhos
Simpósio sobre os Legados Terrestres Lusófonos em Perspetiva Global

Prazo para submissão de propostas: 26 de outubro de 2020
Antropologia | História | Ecologia política | Geografia humana | Estudos de género

O projeto Lusophone Land Legacies in Global Perspective convida para a apresentação de propostas para um simpósio focado na história e os legados contemporâneos das práticas coloniais portuguesas, a ocorrer na Universidade de Saskatchewan (Canadá) nos finais de maio / inícios de junho de 2021, do qual serão selecionados artigos para publicação em volume editado.

As pessoas  interessadas ​​podem enviar um resumo de 250 palavras, junto com um c.v. até 26 de outubro de 2020 para consideração.

Consulte a chamada completa, em anexo, para mais informações.

Symposium on Lusophone Land Legacies in Global Perspective

Call for Paper Proposals

Symposium at University of Saskatchewan – May/June 2021

Proposals due: 26 October 2020

Anthropology · History · Political ecology · Human geography · Gender studies

We invite scholars studying the history and contemporary legacies of Portuguese colonial practices relating to land formalisation to submit proposals for a June 2021 Symposium, from which papers will be selected for publication in an edited volume. Colonial-era land practices have enduring effects: they continue to shape land classification, policies, administration, and legislation in modern independent nations. How were colonial land interventions implemented and transformed across time, geographies, and contexts, and through what means did they leave their traces up to the present day? To understand the process of land policy evolution, we trace the circulation and legacies of colonial and contemporary land formalisation dispersed worldwide: how land access, rights, and ownership became codified. Originated by scholars of Timor-Leste, this Symposium focuses on the ongoing legacy of land formalisation in areas colonised by the Portuguese in Asia, South America, and Africa, but intentionally seeks to foreground connections with other colonial experiences. We explore where land policies and practices travelled throughout colonial territories, how different actors used them, and the circulation of land experts and expertise within and among colonial Empires as well as today’s nation-states and international development institutions.

This Symposium is part of a project that examines the legacies of colonialism on contemporary issues of pressing concern such as access to land, bureaucracies of resource control and social exclusion, and land policy mobility. We seek to understand these larger phenomena through fine-grained, site-specific ethnography/microhistories and geographically comparative work.

Interested individuals may submit a 250-word abstract and a c.v. by 26 October 2020 for consideration. Symposium organisers will review abstracts, and invited authors will submit full drafts (5,000-7,000 words) by April 2021, ahead of participation in the Symposium planned at the University of Saskatchewan, in May/June 2021. Symposium authors agree to read all the submitted papers in advance of the Symposium, which will workshop focused formative feedback and provide suggestions for each invited author in turn, rather than presentations. If ongoing health/travel restrictions prohibit an in-person event at that time, we will have a virtual Symposium. After the Symposium, revised contributions will go through a peer review process with selected papers proceeding for publication. The editors have limited funds available to defray the cost of travel to the Symposium for early career, emerging, and unaffiliated scholars. Lack of funds to travel to the Symposium will not be considered a barrier to participation in the Symposium and edited volume.

Please send the abstract and c.v. to the editors Dr Susanna Barnes and Dr Laura Meitzner Yoder at and


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