Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World, 1500-1850

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Alemanha

Chamada para livros, Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Ibéricos, Workshops

Chamada de trabalhos | workshop / publicação

Regimes de propriedade no mundo ibérico, 1500-1850

Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
Frankfurt am Main, 1-2 de setembro de 2022

Encontra-se aberta, até 31 de outubro de 2021, a chamada de trabalhos para um workshop sobre as questões de posse de terra em qualquer região dos antigos impérios português e espanhol na Ásia, África, Europa (incluindo Itália e Holanda) e nas Américas nos inícios da era moderna.

Uma seleção dos trabalhos apresentados no workshop será publicada como um volume da série Brill Max Planck Studies in Global Legal History of the Iberian Worlds.

Mais informações:


Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
Frankfurt am Main, 1-2 September 2022

Call for Papers | Workshop / Publication

For a Workshop and Publication, we are calling for contributions that deal with questions of land tenure in any region of the former Portuguese and Spanish empires in Asia, Africa, Europe (incl. Italy and the Netherlands), and the Americas during the early modern period. The contributions may explore the role of families, marriage, kinship, corporations (the Church, cabildos/concelhos, pueblos, etc.), and other kinds of institutions in the regulation of land. Case studies, comparisons, as well as methodological and analytical approaches are particularly welcome. A selection of the papers presented at the workshop will be published as a volume of the Brill series Max Planck Studies in Global Legal History of the Iberian Worlds.


Please send your book chapter proposals in Spanish, English, or Portuguese to Dr. Manuel Bastias Saavedra ( until October 31, 2021. A full manuscript will be required before the conference.

For more detailed information, please refer to the complete Call for Papers.

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