Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Manueline Architecture as Narrative: Constructing and Deconstructing a Concept

Início: Fim: Países: Estados Unidos, Portugal

Arte, História da Arte

A Fundação Luso-Americana (FLAD) promove o painel de discussão "Manueline Architecture as Narrative: Constructing and Deconstructing a Concept" uma iniciativa no âmbito do programa de promoção da Língua Portuguesa, desenvolvida em parceria com a Universidade de Berkeley (Centro de Estudos Portugueses) e o Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, a ter lugar no dia 19 de novembro de 2021 na modalidade online.

The Center for Portuguese Studies, the Institute of European Studies (UC Berkeley), in collaboration with the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD), and with the co-sponsorship of the Camões, Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P., invite you to attend:

Manueline Architecture as Narrative: Constructing and Deconstructing a Concept
A panel discussion

November 19 2021 | 11am PST | 7pm GMT

Paulo Pereira (School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa)
Nuno Senos (History of Art Department, FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Luísa Caldas (Department of Architecture, UC Berkeley)


On the occasion of the 500-year commemoration of the death of King Manuel I of Portugal, this panel addresses the architectural developments brought forth during the age of the Portuguese Explorations, particularly the creation of the architectural style known as “Manueline” that has been identified as uniquely Portuguese. From this point of departure, the symbolic iconography of power staged by Manuel I in the complex mosaic of early 16th century Europe is discussed, together with the construction of its associated narratives that persist until the present day.

Please register here:

If you have further questions, please contact: dpinheiro@berkeley.edu.

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