Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Local and Urban Governance: Trends, Challenges and Innovations in a Globalizing World

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Cabo Verde

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Africanos, Geografia

A Comissão de Geografia da Governança da União Geográfica Internacional (International Geographical Union, IGU) e a Universidade de Cabo Verde (UniCV) promovem a Conferência Internacional «Local and Urban Governance: Trends, Challenges and Innovations in a Globalizing World», a ter lugar nos dias 4 a 7 de setembro de 2019 na Cidade da Praia.

A língua de trabalho da conferência será o inglês. Painéis em português, francês e espanhol também serão considerados.

A data limite para apresentação de propostas é dia 31 de janeiro de 2019.

Mais informações no site do evento: https://sites.google.com/view/geogov2019/home.

International Geographical Union
Commission 'Geography of Governance' International Conference
Local and Urban Governance: Trends, Challenges and Innovations in a Globalizing World
4 - 7 September 2019 | University of Cape Verde
Praia - Cape Verde



The International Conference on Local and Urban Governance: trends, challenges and innovations in a globalizing world, convened by the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on Geography of Governance and organized in collaboration with the University of Cape Verde (UNICV), will be held in Cidade da Praia, Cape Verde, on September 4-7, 2019.

The Conference aims to explore and to discuss the changes, challenges, and innovations confronting Local and Urban Governance worldwide in the context of the new global urban agendas. It will be a forum for the discussion of the state-of-the-art of research on local and urban governance, in the different regions of the world.

Within this overall goal, the 2019 Annual Conference of the IGU Commission on Geography of Governance also aims to provide the opportunity for comparisons between African municipalities and African cities as well as comparisons with those in other regions of the world, in particular in the Global South.

The Conference will bring together researchers from academia, public and private sectors, and non-governmental organizations, in an effort to present and debate their research on local and urban governance and to share knowledge, viewpoints, methods, research outcomes and policy ideas.

The conference is organized into two main tracks:

Track 1 - Local and Urban Governance and the New Global Urban Agendas - aims to address and to discuss new trends, innovations, and future challenges in the field of local and urban governance, independently of the world region or continent.

Track 2 - Local and Urban Governance in Africa - aims to address and to discuss specific governance issues in the African context, with emphasis given to the history of local and urban governance in the continent, as well as to the possibility to learn from the African experience in the field of territorial governance. This track will explore local and urban conditions and processes in Africa and their implications for territorial governance. It will provide the opportunity for comparisons between African cities but also with other cities in the Global South.


• Participants in the conference are expected to present a paper (oral presentation).

• All co-authors present in the Conference need to register and pay the conference fee.

• All abstracts submitted will be double blind peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee for content and appropriateness to this conference.

• The working language of the conference will be English.

• Panels in French, Portuguese, and Spanish will also be considered. If interested to present in one of these languages, please contact us before submitting the abstract. Translation services will not be provided.

• The conference is organized in plenary sessions and parallel panels according to topics and issues.

• Each panel (2 hours) has 4 - 5 oral presentations.

• A time slot of twenty (20) minutes is assigned to each speaker. This time slot includes introduction, presentation and discussion.


 • Submission deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2019

 • Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 February 2019

 • Registration and payment: 15 February - 15 April 2019

 • PowerPoint Presentation (PowerPoint file): during the conference

 • Full paper for publication: date to be announced during the conference


• Conference e-mail (IGU Commission e-mail): igu.geogov@gmail.com

• Conference website: https://sites.google.com/view/geogov2019/

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