Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

International Symposium Call for Papers 2021: Migration and Integration in the Lusophone World

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Canadá

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Lusófonos, Migrações

A Associação de Estudos Lusófonos (AEL) / Lusophone Studies Association (LSA) tem o prazer de anunciar que a sua próxima conferência terá lugar em 2021, na modalidade online, subordinada ao tema: Migração e Integração no Mundo Lusófono: Perspetivas Históricas, Atuais e Futuras. A data limite para apresentação de propostas de comunicações e workshops (em inglês, português ou francês) é dia 15 de junho de 2021.

Migration and Integration in the Lusophone World:

Historical, Current and Future Perspectives

Lusophone Studies Association & the Portuguese Studies Review

July 14, August 18, September 15, & October 20, 2021 @ 1pm (13:00) EST via Zoom

The movement and re-settlement of large numbers of people are an important facet of our current world. Significant populations of migrants and refugees from Africa, Asia and the Middle East are today re-locating to places such as North America, Europe, Australia, Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. Meanwhile, many from developed nations are also settling in former colonial states in Africa, Central and South America. Finally, significant internal migration is now a fact of life in many countries. Yet, while the movement of people to and from the English-speaking world has received a lot of attention, comparatively little scrutiny has been afforded to migration to, from and within the Portuguese-speaking (Lusophone) states. While significant populations of Lusophone migrants have moved from, within and across Lusophone nations, relatively less is known about these movements, or how these individuals are integrating.

These panels will gather together international experts on the history, current and future state of migratory movements to, from and within Lusophone nations. Topics examined will deal with economic, educational, cultural, linguistic, religious, colonial, postcolonial, pre- and post-migratory realities, both within Lusophone nations, as well as in locations which are receiving Lusophone migrants. Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Portuguese Studies Review #1 of volume 31 (2023

Proposals focusing on the following topics will be considered: 

  1. Current and historic patterns of migration to, from and within Lusophone nations

  2. Economic and political implications of migration, settlement and integration

  3. The effects of settlement and integration policies, practices and institutions (ex. multiculturalism)

  4. The roles of education, culture, nationalism, religion, and identity in promoting settlement and integration

  5. Forced migration (ex. transatlantic slave trade) and historical impacts leading to current social and economic conditions

  6. The role of colonialism and post-colonial practices or attitudes on the integration of migrants

  7. Return migration in the Lusophone world

  8. Inclusion and exclusion of migrants and their descendants

  9. The relationship between language, identity and integration

  10. The effects of new technologies on the settlement and integration of newcomers

  11. Lusophone literature dealing with the topic of migration and/or integration

Other themes related to migration, settlement, integration and belonging will also be considered. 

Proposals will be accepted in English, Portuguese or French for Panels and for Individual Papers. Please include:

Individual Papers: Applicants for individual papers need only submit a 150 word summary and 50-word abstract to be included in the panel description, for consideration by the Selection Committee. The symposium organizers reserve the right to place any candidate who has submitted a proposal for individual papers in whatever workshop that they deem appropriate. Please clarify the language to be utilized in the paper (English, Portuguese or French).

Panels: (2 hours): Panel will consist of a minimum of four to a maximum of six presentations of approximately 10 minutes each, followed by 1 hour discussion and question period. Where a proposal for a panel does not include at least 4 people, the symposium organizers reserve the right to fill the remaining spots with others who have submitted proposals for individual papers.

Due Date for Proposals for individual papers: June 15, 2021

Please e-mail proposals to both: Robert Kenedy (rkenedy@yorku.ca) and Fernando Nunes, (fernando.nunes@msvu.ca) If you do not receive a reply within a week, please contact the above, in order to confirm receipt of your submission.

Co-organizers: Ivana Elbl, Trent University; Martin Malcolm Elbl, Baywolf Press and Portuguese Studies Review; Susannah Ferreira, University of Guelph; Robert Kenedy, York University; Fernando Nunes, Mount Saint Vincent University.


Registration method: Once the panels have been chosen, a poster, with a registration link will be distributed. Registration fees (choose one):

Payment Methods: Please see the Lusophone Studies Association Website Regarding Payment: http://lsa.apps01.yorku.ca/ (payment only in Euros, US$ or CAD$).

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