Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

Cuerpos que ___ : Feminismos, Cuidados y Disidencias

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Feministas, Género

Lailac Annual Graduate Student Conference
Ph.D. Program in Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
18 e 19 de abril de 2019

Oradoras convidadas: Susana Draper, Louise Vasvári

Os alunos do programa de doutoramento em Culturas latino-americanas, ibéricas e latinas (LAILAC) da Universidade da Cidade de Nova York, convidam para submissão de propostas para o seu encontro anual, a ter lugar nos dias 18 e 19 de abril de 2019, subordinado ao tema: "Cuerpos que ___ : Feminismos, Cuidados y Disidencias"

de max. 250 palavras para o congreso.lailac.gc.cuny@gmail.com antes de 15/02/2019. O corpo do e-mail deve incluir seu nome, informações de contato, afiliação acadêmica e qualquer tecnologia necessária.

Cada apresentação deve ser limitada a 20 minutos e pode ser apresentada em espanhol, inglês ou português. Envie o seu resumo para congreso.lailac.gc.cuny@gmail.com antes de 15/02/2019.

Mais informações: facebook.com/congreso.lailac.gc.cuny

Lailac Annual Graduate Student Conference

Feminist discourses generate new spaces of discussion and critique; spaces often configured by dissident bodies and discourses that destabilize the production of gender and social organization. The potency of the feminist subject lies in the subversion and redefinition of the existing tension between, on the one hand, the critique of the imaginaries and representations of gender in institutionalized spaces, and on the other, the attention to other forms of existing and coexisting that resist capitalist, patriarchal, and heteronormative logics. From this perspective, the dissident power of solidarity, vulnerability, and care allows us to trace a political environment in which affective labor reimagines the conditions of equality and otherness in various spheres of life. Thinking from feminisms, cares and dissidences suggests a reconfiguration of the value assigned to bodies who work, produce and reproduce; a reconfiguration that brings us to question the very notion of body and what a body can _______.

The topic of the XXIV LAILAC Student Conference revolves around feminisms, identity politics, care and affective labor, new masculinities, language, and discourse. We propose beginning a conversation that incorporates historical, cultural, and linguistic contexts, and Latin American, Peninsular, and Latino geographies. That being said, proposals linked to other areas and territories are also welcomed.

We hope to promote a space within which we explore our strengths and vulnerabilities with the goal of proposing horizons of possibility and dissidence. In harmony with LAILAC members’ lines of work and their intellectual community, we are especially interested in building bridges between academia and daily spaces.

Topics, among others:
- Feminisms, new masculinities, and dissidences
- Politics of care
- Body, performance, and affects
- Performativity, gender, and queer agency
- Drama and dissident repertoires
- Anticapitalism, production, reproduction, and work
- Identity politics: intersectionality and transversality
- Vulnerability and resistance
- Glottopolitics, normativity, and language ideologies/politics
- Inclusive language
- Language and gender, race, and identity
- Solidarity and sorority

The students of the doctoral program in Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures at The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, invite the submission of abstracts of max. 250 words to congreso.lailac.gc.cuny@gmail.com before 02/15/2019. The body of the email should include your name, contact information, academic affiliation, and any technology necessary. Each presentation should be limited to 20 minutes and can be presented in Spanish, English, or Portuguese.

Title: "Cuerpos que ___ : Feminismos, Cuidados y Disidencias"
Keynote Speakers: Susana Draper, Louise Vasvári
Date: April 18 and 19

For more information: facebook.com/congreso.lailac.gc.cuny

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