Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Colóquio “Movimentos Sociais e Engajamento Cívico no Mundo Lusófono”

Início: Fim: Países: Estados Unidos

Estudos Lusófonos

O Centro de Estudos e Cultura Portuguesa da Universidade de Massachusetts Dartmouth vai acolher um colóquio internacional em abril de 2022, com o tema “Movimentos Sociais e Engajamento Cívico no Mundo Lusófono”. O colóquio será aberto no dia 8 de abril no Museu da Baleia com 3 painéis e um jantar formal. No dia seguinte, o colóquio será realizado no Campus da Universidade de Massachusetts, em Dartmouth, com mais 1 painel e 2 mesas redondas. O colóquio reunirá escritores e académicos de todo o mundo lusófono, como Lídia Jorge, Noemi Jaffe, Victor Barros, Marçal Paredes e Yvette dos Santos.

Mais informações: https://www.umassd.edu/portuguese-studies-center/events/international-colloquium-registration-information.html

Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture will host an International Colloquium on April 8th and 9th 2022

The Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture is set to host an international colloquium in April 2022, the theme is “Social Movements and Civic Engagement in the Lusophone World”.  The colloquium will open on April 8th at the Whaling Museum with 3 panels and a formal dinner.  The next day the colloquium will be held on the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth campus with 1 more panel and 2 roundtable discussions.  The colloquium will bring together writers and scholars from across the Lusophone world, such as Lidia Jorge, Noemi Jaffe, Victor Barros, Marcal Paredes and Yvette dos Santos.

Dr. Paula Noversa, the Center’s Director stated, “The impact of social movements and civic engagement both within and across national boundaries is a timely subject.  One that is worthy of deeper examination. The goal of the colloquium is to bring together individuals from differing fields such as writers, academics, and politicians to discuss the multifaceted aspects of social movements and civic engagement throughout the lusophone world.”

Further information: https://www.umassd.edu/portuguese-studies-center/events/international-colloquium-registration-information.html

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