Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

Bicentenary Of Brazil’S Independence: Imagining Autonomy For The Next 200 Years

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Brasileiros, Estudos Latino-Americanos

A Cambridge University Brazilian Society (CUBS) promove o workshop interdisciplinar "Bicentenary Of Brazil’S Independence: Imagining Autonomy For The Next 200 Years", que vai acontecer no dia 26 de setembro de 2022 e será transmitido ao vivo pelo Youtube para facilitar e incentivar a participação de pesquisadores que atuam no Brasil e em outros países.

Esta jornada faz parte dos eventos organizados pela CUBS para marcar o ano do Bicentenário da Independência do Brasil (07 de setembro de 1822), e busca proporcionar um espaço colaborativo para que pós-graduados divulguem suas pesquisas, participem de conversas interdisciplinares e construam redes entre as comunidades acadêmicas. Sob os temas abrangentes de autonomia e democracia, os pesquisadores são convidados a apresentar trabalhos que reflitam sobre a luta contínua de grupos marginalizados pela emancipação na sociedade brasileira contemporânea 200 anos após a independência do país.

As pessoas que desejem participar devem enviar uma proposta (máximo 300 palavras) para uma apresentação (em inglês) de 10-15 min. até 22 de agosto.

Mais informações no site da CUBS, aqui.

Fonte: Cambridge University Brazilian Society

Bicentenary Of Brazil’S Independence: Imagining Autonomy For The Next 200 Years

This one-day interdisciplinary workshop is part of the events hosted by the Cambridge University Brazilian Society (CUBS) to mark the year of the Bicentenary of Brazil’s Independence (07 September 1822). It seeks to provide a collaborative space for postgraduates to publicise their research, engage in interdisciplinary conversations and build networks between academic communities. Under the overarching themes of autonomy and democracy, researchers are invited to present papers reflecting on marginalised groups’ continuous struggle for emancipation in contemporary Brazilian society 200 years after the country’s independence.

The event will take place on September 26th at the University of Cambridge and will be livestreamed on Youtube to facilitate and encourage the participation of researchers working in Brazil and other countries. Two in-person keynotes will open and close the event, as well as lead the discussion panel throughout the day.

Papers will be selected in a peer-review process conducted by the CUBS Committee, who will also provide assistance during the workshop. We are keen to inviting researchers working with similar themes outside of the Brazilian context and those providing theoretical contributions, as to promote transnational dialogue.

This event is sponsored by the Simon Bolivar Fund (Centre of Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge).


26th September 2022
Time (UK) Agenda
1:30 – 2 pm Opening session with Prof. Dawisson Belém Lopes (UFMG – University of Oxford)
2 – 3: 30 pm Panel discussion (block 1)
3:30 – 4 pm Coffee break
4:30 – 6 pm Panel discussion (block 2)
6 – 6:30 pm Closing session with Dr. Mara Nogueira (Birkbeck, University of London)

Call for papers and guidelines

  • Presentations will be held in English.
  • The conference will be in person at the University of Cambridge and broadcasted via the CUBS Youtube channel. The workshop team will collect questions from the online audience throughout the event.
  • Those who wish to participate must fill the form available here and provide a 300 words max. abstract for a 10-15 min paper by the deadline of 22nd of August.
  • We encourage the submission of papers relevant to conversations around the general themes of democracy, autonomy and emancipation, even if not directly related to the Brazilian context.
  • Acceptances will be emailed on 30th of August 2022.
  • The event is free.
  • Any conference queries should be addressed to

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