Sábado, 21 de Setembro de 2024

And Justice for All? Silenced Voices in the Luso-Hispanic World

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, Cultura, Estudos Luso-Hispânicos, Literatura

O 22º Congresso anual de Estudos Hispânicos e Lusófonos acontece nos dias 29 e 30 de março na Ohio State University, EUA, subordinado ao tema: "And Justice for All? Silenced Voices in the Luso-Hispanic World". Os professores Ignacio Sánchez Prado e Leonardo Tonus são os palestrantes principais desta edição. O prazo máximo para o envio de resumos (comunicações ou painéis), em inglês, português ou espanhol; é o 15 de fevereiro de 2019.

And Justice for All?
Silenced Voices in the Luso-Hispanic World
The 22nd Annual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium
March 29-30, 2019. Columbus (OH)
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Ignacio Sánchez Prado — WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis
Dr. Leonardo Tonus — Sorbonne Université 

In a time of xenophobia, hate speech, and political unrest in the United States of America, the 2019 Ohio State Annual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium questions on a global scale the “supposed” universal values that the American flag represents. Neither justice nor liberty has been given to those who challenge the premise of an indivisible nation. The reality has been notably different for minority groups including women, people of color, immigrants, and children, all of which have had their voices silenced. The name of this conference “And justice for all?...” begins with a question that invites us to find the silenced voices of today and to bring them to an academic setting, working alongside them and acting as agents of change on a global scale

Unfortunately, such occurrences in the United States are not limited to the North American country, rather are widespread across the Luso-Hispanic world. To bring awareness to such affairs, the Annual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium welcomes proposals from all fields, but gives preference to Luso-Hispanic research addressing topics such as:

• Social Justice
• Social Activism
• Migration and Diaspora Studies
• Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
• Latinx Studies
• Disabilities Studies
• De-Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies
• African and African American Studies
• Subaltern Studies
We are seeking presentations of original research from graduate students and scholars on the proposed topic. Preference will be given to presentations that fit this theme, though other topics in the areas of literature and culture will also be welcome.
Submission of proposals:
Abstracts will be accepted in Spanish, English and Portuguese, should be submitted as .PDF or .doc files, and should be limited to 250 words. Please include a paper or panel title and your contact information (name, specialization, email and affiliation) and send to spposymposium2019@gmail.com  with the subject “Literatures and Cultures”. Talks will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation and about 10 minutes for discussion and may be given in any of the aforementioned languages.
Submission deadline: February 15th, 2019
Any questions can be directed to spposymposium2019@gmail.com
Anthony Palmiscno,
Clara Fachini Zanirato,
Sebastián Muñoz Ruz
Organizing Committee
22nd Annual Literatures and Cultures Symposium
Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese

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