Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

8th IMHA International Congress of Maritime History

Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, História

(Nova Data) 29 de junho a 3 de julho, 2021 | FLUP

A IMHA — International Maritime History Association e o CITCEM — Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar «Cultura, Espaço e Memória», promovem a 8.ª edição do Congresso Internacional de História Marítima da IMHA, a decorrer entre os dias 30 de junho e 03 de julho de 2020 no Porto, subordinado ao tema «Old and New Uses of the Oceans».

Os interessados têm até 30 de setembro de 2019 para apresentar propostas (resumos, em inglês) de trabalhos e painéis.

Mais informações no site do 8th IMHA International Congress of Maritime History.

Call For Papers & Panels
8th IMHA International Congress of Maritime History
30 June - 03 July 2020
Porto, Portugal

Deadline for abstract submission: 30th September2019

IMHA – International Maritime History Association and CITCEM –U. PORTO (Transdisciplinary Research Centre Culture, Space and Memory – University of Porto) are proud to announce that IMHA’s 8th International Congress of Maritime History will be held in Porto between June 30 and July 03, 2020.

This International meeting follows the successful congresses that have been held, every four years since 1992 in Liverpool, UK (1992), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1996), Esbjerg, Denmark (2000), Corfu, Greece (2004), Greenwich, UK (2008), Ghent, Belgium (2012) and Perth, Australia (2016).

The main theme will be “Old and New Uses of the Oceans”, and the aim is to investigate the many aspects of the relationship between humans and the oceans.

As with previous congresses, ICMH8 adopts a broad concept of maritime history, treating it as an interdisciplinary field that covers all historical periods and areas and all aspects of humankind’s relationship with the sea.

Call For Papers

It is now open the period for abstract submission for the 8th IMHA International Congress of Maritime History.

Participants are invited to submit a short proposal in English indicating the scope of their intended paper, panel or roundtable, plus short biographical notes for all prospective participants.

Papers from the Congress will be considered for publication by the International Maritime History Association in its International Journal of Maritime History.

The deadline for abstract submission is 30th September 2019.

Submissions must include: title, name of the author(s), filiation, abstract (maximum of 2000 characters), 3 to 5 keywords and a short biography of each author (maximum of 1000 characters).

Important dates

  • 30th September2019: submissions deadline
  • 15th December 2019: Scientific Committee decisional response deadline
  • 15th December 2019: Scientific Committee decisional response deadline
  • 30th June 2020: Congress begins
  • 03rd July 2020: Congress ends

+ info: https://imha2020.com/

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