Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

56º Congresso Internacional de Estudos Medievais

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Ibéricos, Estudos Medievais

A Comissão Organizadora do 56º Congresso Internacional de Estudos Medievais, a ter lugar em Kalamazoo, MI, EUA, nos dias 13 a 16 de maio de 2021, no campus da Western Michigan University, convida para a apresentação de propostas até 15 de setembro.

Sessões sobre o tema da Ibéria medieval apoiadas pela Association of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies:

Meditations on Mortality: Iberian Responses to Plague, Famine, War, and Death

COVID-19 has made the medieval freshly relevant as a resource for thinking about catastrophic loss, both lives and resources. Documents and artwork across genres - from medical works to chronicles to prayers to letters to poetry to altarpieces – and across disciplines – from history of science to politics to religion to literature to art history – record meditations on mortality and economic disaster. The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies invites proposals for participating in a roundtable on medieval Iberian responses to plague, famine, war, and death. The roundtable is intended to be interdisciplinary, bringing discussions of epidemics into conversation with discussions of other types of societal and personal calamities. Topics might include reading familiar documents from a new perspective, research trajectories that have changed to encompass different material due to heightened interest in these topics, or new approaches to teaching medieval Iberian material in an age of pandemic. 

We hope that this roundtable will provide an opportunity for scholars who had not been on the program for 2020 to participate in 2021, as well as for those scholars whose planned contribution in 2020 is no longer their focus. It would be helpful if you could reach out about your interest in participating as soon as possible, ahead of the formal deadline.

Formal requirement: please send a 150 word proposal and the Participant Information form (available at to Jessica Boon ( by September 15.

Emotional Iberia: Varieties of Affective Experience in Medieval Iberian Cultures 

Organized by Robin Mary Bower and Matthew V. Desing

Recent work in affect theory and in the history of the emotions reveals surprising ways in which the expression, representation, and judgment of feeling intersects with theology and devotional practice, materiality and corporeality, aesthetics, politics, and medical knowledge.  Medieval Iberia’s complex political and confessional landscape offers a rich field for inquiry into the ways in which the emotions were instrumental in assertions of power, of spiritual and moral truth, of membership or disqualification from community.  This panel seeks papers exploring the emotions and affects of medieval Iberia from any perspective:  ethnicity, political discourses, religion, medicine, literary representations, visual cultures, etc.

Please send a one-page abstract and the Participant Information form (available at to Robin Bower ( and Matt Desing ( by the September 15 deadline.

As propostas devem incluir um resumo de uma página e o formulário de informação preenchido para a conferência, que pode ser encontrado em: Todas as propostas devem ser enviadas até 15 de setembro.

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