Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

52.ª Convenção da Northeast Modern Language Association - NeMLA 2021

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Estudos Latino-Americanos, Estudos Lusófonos

A 52.ª Convenção da Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) terá lugar na cidade de Filadélfia (EUA) de 11 a 14 de março de 2021, com o apoio da Universidade da Filadélfia, e subordinado ao tema "Tradição e Inovação: Mundos em Mudança através das Humanidades".

O período de submissão de propostas nas sessões temáticas estará aberto até 30 de setembro de 2020.

Os seguintes painéis aceitam propostas no âmbito dos estudos lusófonos:

Black Experience in the White Gaze: Framing Afro-Latin American Identity in XIX-XX Centuries (Panel)
Primary Area / Secondary Area: Spanish/Portuguese / Comparative Literature
Chair(s): Karina Sembe (Boston University)

  • This session invites participants to explore how Afro-Latin American experience was narrated in the Hispanic Caribbean and Brazil from the late 19th to the first half of the 20th century. Participants are encouraged to explore various vectors of narrating vernacular representation, corporeality, information seeking, migratory routes, and knowledge acquisition of black population by non-black authors across disciplines.

Narrating Violence and Environments in Latin America (Panel)
Primary Area / Secondary Area: Spanish/Portuguese / Comparative Literature
Chair(s): Kevin Ennis (Brown University), Jordan Jones (Brown University)

  • This panel will interrogate a plurality of Brazilian and Spanish American environmental imaginations—particularly those focused on spaces where vulnerable populations live and on human involvement in their degradation, preservation, and development. We welcome papers that address questions of how humans are engaged in violence against certain environments (including urban peripheries, Indigenous lands, and animal habitats) and to what extent literature can effect change in attitudes and behaviors. Submissions in Portuguese, Spanish, or English are welcome.

Female Power and Subversive Practices in Latin American Women Writing (Panel)
Primary Area / Secondary Area: Spanish/Portuguese / Women's and Gender Studies
Chair(s): Fernanda Righi (Roger Williams University)

  • This panel invites papers that address and interrogate the many ways in which women’s writing constructs a subversive subjectivity or collective. We observe writing as practice of inclusion and exclusion of other women in Latin America and a way of intervening in the political arena.

Queer Indigeneities: Gender, Sexuality, and Indigenous Struggle in Latin America (Panel)
Primary Area / Secondary Area: Spanish/Portuguese / Women's and Gender Studies
Chair(s): Jose Carlos Diaz (Rutgers University-New Brunswick)

  • Hand in hand with the heterogeneous forms taken by the indigenous struggle in Latin America, gender and sexuality claims have gained ground in recent years. This makes it increasingly necessary to study indigenous voices that call for an intersectional struggle through diverse artistic expressions. Presentations in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

Mais informações: https://www.buffalo.edu/nemla/convention.html.

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