Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

48.º Congresso Anual da Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Ibéricos, Estudos Portugueses, História, História da Arte, Literatura

Chamada de Trabalhos
48.º Congresso Anual da Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies ― ASPHS
Nova Iorque, 16-19 março 2017
Apoio: New York University

A ASPHS (Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies) promove o seu 48.º congresso anual, a decorrer entre os dias 16 e19 março de 2017 no Campus da Universidade de Nova Iorque, em Nova Iorque, EUA.

A ASPHS convida para a apresentação de propostas de sessões de painéis e / ou comunicações individuais em qualquer aspeto da história, história da arte ou literatura Ibérica e Ibero-Atlântica.

As propostas deverão incluir um resumo de 200 palavras para cada trabalho e o cv de cada participante, incluindo apresentadores e debatedores.
As propostas deverão ser enviadas até ao dia 05 de dezembro de 2016 por correio eletrónico para os diretores do programa do evento. As apresentações com foco no período anterior a 1800 devem ser enviados para Allyson Poska (aposka@umw.edu); apresentações com foco no período pós-1800 devem ser enviados para Clinton Young (young@uamont.edu).
Os participantes no congresso devem ser membros da ASPHS. Os estudantes de graduação que apresentem um papel por primeira vez em uma conferência da ASPHS ficarão isentos da quota de associado.

Mais informações: https://asphs.net/conferences/


NEW YORK, NY, 16-19 MARCH 2017

The 48th Annual Conference of the ASPHS will take place on 16-19 March 2017 on the campus of New York University in New York, NY. The ASPHS invites session proposals for panels and/or individual presentations on any aspect of Iberian and Iberian-Atlantic history, art history, or literature. The typical panel will include three papers, a chairperson, and a discussant.  We welcome proposals for roundtable discussions of a particular work or theme.  Proposals should include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a one-page curriculum vitae for each participant, including chairs and discussants. Please include each participant's name and e-mail address, along with any requests for audio/visual equipment or other special requirements.
The deadline for submissions is 5 December 2016.  Please submit proposals by email to the Program Directors.  Submissions focusing on the period before 1800 should be sent to Allyson Poska (aposka@umw.edu); submissions focusing on the period after 1800 or that bridge the divide between early modern and modern history should be sent to Clinton Young (young@uamont.edu).
Participants in the conference must be members of the ASPHS.  Graduate students presenting a paper for the first time at an ASPHS conference will receive a free membership for their first year, but must still submit the necessary paperwork.  Membership information may be found on the website: http://asphs.net/membership.html.  Please direct further questions about membership to the Membership Secretary, Scott Eastman (seastman@creighton.edu).
Information about hotels and registration fees will follow soon.  Due to the logistics of conference planning in New York, it is possible there will be no conference block of rooms; in this event, participants will be encouraged to use alternate methods of acquiring accommodations.  This year, conference panels will run from Thursday afternoon through Saturday evening, leaving Sunday for return travel or for attendees to enjoy the many attractions of America’s largest city.  The local organizer is Andrew Lee (andrew.lee@nyu.edu).  

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