Sexta-feira, 19 de Abril de 2024

New Radical Rights in Lusotopy: a comparative perspective

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: França

Chamada para artigos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Estudos Lusófonos

A revista Lusotopie está com chamada aberta para o seu número 2 de 2021 com o tema Novas direitas radicais na lusotopia: uma perspetiva comparativa. O prazo para apresentação de propostas (em francês, inglês ou português) decorre até ao dia 1 de agosto de 2020.

Editores convidados

  • Riccardo Marchi (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
  • Marie-Hélène Sa Vilas Boas (Universidade Côte d'Azur)

A eleição de Jair Bolsonaro em 2018 no Brasil e a entrada de André Ventura no Parlamento Português após as eleições legislativas de 2019 refletem o surgimento de novas direitas radicais em países onde essas forças políticas foram marginalizadas desde a sua transição para a democracia. Esta questão tem como objetivo analisar a renovação das direitas radicais nesses dois países, tanto em uma perspetiva comparativa quanto em uma transnacional.

Mais informações na chamada completa abaixo.

Lusotopie 2020-2 CFP New Radical Rights in Lusotopy

Call for paper

Issue 2021/2
New Radical Rights in Lusotopy : a comparative perspective

Guest editors
Riccardo Marchi (Lisbon University Institute)
Marie-Hélène Sa Vilas Boas (Cote d’Azur University)

The election of Jair Bolsonaro in 2018 in Brazil as well as the entry of André Ventura from Chega into Portuguese Parliament after the 2019 legislative elections reflects the emerging of new radical rights in countries where these political forces have been marginalized since their transition to democracy. This issue aims at analysing the renewal of radical rights in these two countries, both in a comparative and a transnational perspective.

Although many recent works have been made on radical rights (Giblin, 2014 ; Camus et Lebourg, 2015 ; Jamin, 2016), they mainly focus on Europe and North America (Kaplan et Weinberg, 1998; Barka 2006) and tend to neglect Latin America or, more generally, non-occidental expression of radical rights. However, a long tradition of studies based on a North/South comparison exists on extreme and radical rights before the third wave of democratization. More precisely, several works on Lusotopy, that is to say the contemporary spaces stemming from Portuguese history and colonization, analyzes comparatively the rise of extreme political forces in different continents, their relation and their role, especially in the consolidation of the Estados Novos (Macedo, 1983, Gonçalves, 2014; 2018, Araujo, 2018).  The aim of this issue is to understand radical rights by focusing on two countries where, until recently, radical rights where marginal since the end of their authoritarian regime, in 1974 in Portugal and at the beginning of the 1980s in Brazil. In both countries, the radical right has lately experienced a swift entrance into the political field that this issue aims at understanding. The proposal of articles will therefore focus on the following subjects:

First, what are the processes that explain the quick rise of a new radical right in the two countries? What organizations, groups and networks compose the support groups of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Chega in Portugal? Are they different from the support groups of radical rights in other European or American countries? Which processes made possible the restructuring of radical rights? What are the differences between the actual radical rights and the organizations that represent this political force in the past?

Second, studies on European radical rights often link the rise of parties to the construction of immigration as a public problem and the definition of migrants as a threat to national identity and economy. Nevertheless, in Portugal and Brazil, this subject has long been secondary in the public debates (Machado, 2005; Carvalho & Duarte, 2020), at least compared to other European countries or the US. What role does the “lusotropicalist” frame (Castelo & Cardão, 2015; Cahen & Matos, 2018) play on the way immigration is conceived by radical rights? How the conceptions of national identity in both countries combines with radical right projects? What or who is designed as a threat by Portuguese and Brazilian far right?

Third, what are the links between Portuguese and Brazilian radical rights? Whereas André Ventura has been compared to Bolsonaro and that many Brazilian has emigrated to Portugal during the last decade, can we observe the circulation of some ideas, an influence on the way “problems” are framed by the radical right in both countries? What is the role played by the social media on this circulation? Studies based on transnational approaches, focusing on the links established between actors, organizations and social networks on the two sides of the Atlantic are welcomed.

The publication schedule is the following:

Submission of an abstract (500 words): 1st August 2020
Communication of decision: 1st September 2020
Submission of articles: 30th  November 2020
Internal feedback: January 2020
Resubmission: 28th  February 2020
External peer -reviewed feedback: May 2020
Submission of revised paper: July 2021
Publication of the special Issue: October 2021.


The editorial guidelines are available here:

Lusotopie publishes articles in French, Portuguese and English. It uses a double-blind peer review system. Authors should submit only unpublished works (except, occasionally, translations of articles already published in other languages). Articles may not exceed 45,000 characters with spaces or 7.500 words and reviews 10.000 characters with spaces (footnotes and references included). Author page Prepare a separate title page, which includes the full title of the manuscript, the names, emails ...


Araújo G. F. 2018, “O corporativismo na (re)organização do Estado-Nação: Oliveira Vianna e Oliveira Salazar”, Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos [En ligne], Extraits de thèses, mis en ligne le 05 octobre 2018, consulté le 23 mai 2020. URL :

Barka, M. B. 2006, “Les rapports entre les extrêmes droites européenne et américaine, Mohktar Ben Barka et Jean-Marie Ruiz, États-Unis / Europe : Des modèles en miroir, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion : 91-112.

Cahen M., Matos, P..Ferraz 2018, “New Perspectives on Luso-tropicalism. Novas Perspetivas sobre o Luso-tropicalismo”, Portuguese Studies Review , XXVI (1): 1-6.

Camus, J.-Y. et Lebourg, N. 2015, Les Droites extrêmes en Europe, Paris, Seuil.

Carvalho, J., and Duarte, M. C. 2020, “The Politicization of Immigration in Portugal between 1995 and 2014: A European Exception?” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies,

Carvalho, J. 2014, Impact of extreme right parties on immigration policy: Comparing Britain, France and Italy, London, Routledge.

Castelo C. & Cardão M. eds. 2015, Gilberto Freyre. Novas leituras do outro lado do Atlântico, São Paulo, Edusp.

Giblin B. 2014, L’extrême droite en Europe, Paris, La Découverte.

Jamin J. 2016, L’extrême droite en Europe, Bruxelles, Bruylant.

Kaplan J. et Weinberg L. 1998, Emergence of a Euro-American Radical Right, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press

Gonçalves L. P. 2014, Plínio Salgado: um católico integralista entre Portugal e o Brasil (1895-1975), Rio de Janeiro,  FGV Editora.

Gonçalves L. P. 2014, “The Integralism of Plínio Salgado: Luso-Brazilian Relations”, Portuguese Studies, 30 (1): 67-93.

Macedo, U. de 1983, “O Integralismo em Portugal e no Brasil”, Convivium,  22 (5): 323-340.

Marchi R. 2015, “A identidade de Portugal no discurso da direita radical: do multirracialismo ao Etnonacionalismo”, Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 41 (2).

Machado, F. 2005, « Des étrangers moins étrangers que d'autres ? La régulation politico-institutionnelle de l'immigration au Portugal », Évelyne Ritaine (éd.), L'Europe du Sud face à l'immigration : Politique de l'Etranger, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.

1994-2004 [Open access] Persée
2005-2009 [Open access] OpenEditionJournals and Brill
2018-2020 Brill

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