Sábado, 20 de Abril de 2024

Portuguese Language Webinar Series (PLEWS 2020)

Início: Fim: Países: Estados Unidos

PLE, Webinários

A University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth convida para os Portuguese Language Webinar Series (PLEWS 2020), uma série de webinários sobre educação e língua portuguesa.

Abaixo você encontra a descrição dos webinars, que acontecerão nas sextas-feiras a partir das 16h, e as informações para participar via Zoom.

Para mais informações, contacte os organizadores pelo endereço: gsilva@umassd.edu.

The University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth is pleased to be able to host a webinar series: PLEWS 2020 (Portuguese Language Education Webinar Series). Below you find a description for the webinars, which will take place Fridays at 4 pm, and the information to join on Zoom. Please feel free to forward this message to anyone you believe may be interested in attending any or all of the webinars. For more information, please don't hesitate to contact me at gsilva@umassd.edu.
September 4 – 4 pm
Teacher, preciso de help, a atividade doesn’t make any sense
Rosiane Barcelos de Oliveira (Cape Cod Community College)
I used to mock people who translanguage, thinking: “exibicionismo, lack of mastery in Portuguese.” The ignorance, however, was mine, as I came to realize. Translanguaging is a tremendous ability that speakers display, in the words of Canagarajah (2009), “to shuttle between their rich linguistic repertoires” in order to create meaning. This session will explore, through practical activities and supported by research, how students may gain agency when their translanguaging is acknowledged and valued in classrooms.
September 11 – 4 pm
I already have my Google Classroom account, but... now what do I do???
Analia Tebaldi (UMass Dartmouth)
Google Classroom is a platform that has been used by many schools; nevertheless, it did not use to be as essential as it has become in recent months, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many teachers were provided access to an account, received (perhaps) instructions on how to create a course, add students, and invite parents. However, very little information was provided on how to do the real day-to-day work of organizing material and creating activities for students.
In this webinar, participants will learn how to organize their classes in Google Classroom and how to add and use tools that will make their classes more interactive and more engaging.
September 18 – 4 pm
Outside the box tools for online teaching
Teresa Valdez (University of Rochester)
In this webinar we will explore general parameters for technology integration in both Blackboard and GoogleClassroom Environments. Best practices for teaching online or hybrid language courses will be discussed while exploring the available online programs and tools that promote communication, engagement and participation of all.
September 25 – 4 pm
Da crise à criatividade: Portuguese in any format
Boris Yelin (Northeastern University)
Implementing a HyFlex model takes a lot of work, but it can result in a highly-organized format that can tend to learners' and instructors' needs. Many activities can be done with slight modifications online as easily as in person. Other activities take more creativity to implement. We will take a look at some different ideas that were implemented (both successes and areas for improvement) that leverage an MLS, an online homework/textbook platform, and other platforms that create a toolkit for thriving in any situation. We will also discuss affordances, such as consistency, and constraints, such as the lack of connection.
October 2 – 4 pm
Comunidade e pertencimento em cursos remotos de português
Cristiane Soares (Tufts University)
Qualquer professor(a) de língua estrangeira reconhece a importância de criar um senso de comunidade em seus cursos. Aprender uma língua estrangeira implica ampliar horizontes e perspectivas e, essencialmente, sentir-se parte de uma comunidade linguística. Tal aprendizado só se concretiza, efetivamente, num espaço seguro, onde dificuldades e conquistas possam ser compartilhadas, onde os(as) estudantes se sintam acolhidos(as), incluídos(as) e confiantes. A grande questão, em tempos de ensino remoto, é saber como manter ou começar a desenvolver essas comunidades em nossas salas de aula virtuais.

Nesse Webinar iremos conversar sobre algumas práticas e atividades que podem ajudar a engajar os(as) estudantes de forma mais ativa e participativa nos cursos de português, criando, ao mesmo tempo, oportunidades para desenvolverem esse sentimento de pertencimento. Da escolha de monitores e ajudantes, à reestruturação de testes e tarefas, ao envolvimento dos(as) alunos(as) em decisões importantes sobre o curso, à criação de canais alternativos de comunicação, serão apresentadas práticas que têm se mostrado eficientes na construção de comunidades em cursos de português como língua adicional

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Meeting ID: 923 2926 1200
Passcode: Portugues
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Find your local number: https://umassd.zoom.us/u/abNmeUUCQq

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