Quinta-feira, 25 de Abril de 2024

Mind the gap: Strengthening Connections in Latin American Studies | SLAS 2020 | novo prazo

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Holanda

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Latino-Americanos

Mind the gap: Strengthening Connections in Latin American Studies
SLAS 2020 - Amesterdão
17 e 18 de abril de 2020


A conferência anual da Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) acontece na Universidade de Amesterdão nos dias 17 e 18 de abril de 2020, em parceria com o Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA). O evento tem como tema "Fortalecendo as conexões nos estudos latino-americanos". Ao longo de mais de 50 anos de atividade, a SLAS sempre foi aberta à discussão interdisciplinar sobre a realidade latino-americana, particularmente nas áreas das Ciências Sociais, as Artes e as Humanidades. A organização convida para a apresentação de propostas de trabalhos e de painéis relacionadas com o tema geral do evento, até 15 de outubro de 2019 (prazo ampliado).

A chamada para trabalhos (comunicações individuais, painéis, debates e mesas redondas) da próxima conferência da SLAS está disponível na seguinte página: http://www.slas2020.nl/call-for-papers-panels.

Os idiomas oficiais do Congresso são inglês, português e espanhol.

Mais informações: http://www.slas2020.nl

This year the annual Society for Latin American Studies conference will cross the water to welcome its participants in Amsterdam in April 2020. This border-crossing endeavor sets the symbolic tone for two days of in-depth discussion on connectivity in Latin American Studies, both within and across regions, disciplines, and political divides. The Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA) of the University of Amsterdam is delighted to invite proposals for the conference, to take place on Friday 17 April and Saturday 18 April in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Conference theme

In line with previous conferences, SLAS2020 will be an opportunity for explorations of any aspect of Latin American Studies, from any disciplinary and theoretical perspective. We have an optional conference theme that speakers are invited to address, which is:   Mind the gap: Strengthening connections in Latin American Studies

Submissions for individual papers, panels, dialogues & roundtables

We invite proposals for individual papers and panel sessions on diverse interpretations of the conference theme, and in relation to all areas of Latin American Studies.

Presentations will take place in sessions of 1 hour and 45 minutes, shared amongst 3-5 presenters and chaired either by a presenter or a moderator. We especially encourage pre-constituted panels and other forms of collaborative exchange (see below). Conveners of pre-constituted sessions should coordinate their session to allow time for discussion, limiting individual contributions to 15-20 minutes.

​All proposals must be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

New extended deadline for all individual papers, pre-arranged panels and other sessions is: 15 October 2019

By 10 November you will be informed of your acceptance and receive instructions to complete registration.

For questions e-mail slas2020@cedla.nl.

+ info: http://www.slas2020.nl/

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